
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Easy. followed by Step By Step for Step by Step. and then Family Matters.

As a WOC, I totally get this. The Mindy Project definitely would be the prototype for a lead female of color, but it's so awful, it almost doesn't count (if one must count this kind of representation…well, I kinda do since it seldom occurs). There is still a typecasted black female in the show.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Driving through Texas to get to SXSW I saw billboard ads for Christian Acting Schools. I shuddered. And I'm a Christian.

This is strangely the same argument that a few female members of this site had on Women in Refrigerators in the Hannibal thread. They felt as though they weren't characterized well on a show that features many women (most of them dead, dying, or soon to die). Not that the ONLY important story to be told is from the

Perhaps I misunderstood what is meant by Creationist. I am a scientist by profession. I do clinical research for St Peter's sake. I can believe that God created the universe WHILE practicing the scientific method. I can believe in the healing power of God while practicing medicine and performing surgery. I love

That argument makes little sense considering it's the foundation of the Christian faith that the old has passed with the dawning of a new creation (in Christ's death). It's not about agenda, it's what our faith simply is.

not true…

I believe that God is the Creator of the Universe. He created the world in six "days". I believe that we, as humans, were created in His Likeness in the sense that we have depth of soul, purpose, an acknowledgment of Him and the intelligence to pursue Him and His Creation even via Science, as the Cosmos show displays

Strong point! But alas, that's the exact nature of faith: confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (or at least scientifically prove). But really, for me, one doesn't necessarily exclude the other.

yeah, my response was a bit long-winded. but my faith isn't based in science, so i really can't say that there is scientific evidence to base my knowledge of God on than that only the science behind it doesn't exist (for lack of a better word).

The evidence that no piece of science can completely tell me otherwise. I do appreciate the developments of science(admittedly I felt silly typing that). I can appreciate the lengths we've taken to try to understand the universe the best we can given the resources we have as finite as they are. And as someone

Hmm…. Boring medical student by day, party animal by night. Sounds about right!

Some. Creationists. I believe in God creating the universe. But I'm also a scientist. So…

I liked her season 1 scenes with Hannibal. They really spoke like colleagues, but for someone who supposedly overthinks everything, she doesn't seem to take time to consider her colleagues at all. like for anything. not that she has to suspect Hannibal, but normally, we size each other up for one reason or another.


I'm glad no one is refuting the Women in Refrigerators claim by referencing the abominable (or abdominal haha) Dr. Bloom. OHMYGOD if there hasn't been a trope thats undermined powerful female portrayals its that she falls for a misunderstood brooding loner lead male and tries to use love to save him. In Alana we have

Really though, telling one of her colleagues she was going to stop by Hannibal's wouldnt even have initially been suspect either. He is already considered a friend of the force. No one would expect any wrong doing if she mentioned it. At most they'd think she was going for dinner. Didn't everyone? AND they would have

THIS! I wouldn't have minded Alana go in her place.