
I'd say Bev was nearly as fleshed out a character as Alana.

"Though I kind of disagree with Fuller's interpretation, I thought that Katz got more things to do in the first season."

IMO Alana is a snore. On a different caveat: oddly enough I wish the relationship was between Will and Bev. They really do complement each other and both operate on loads of snark, dry humor, and are into matters of the dead and justice that becomes of it. I don't see the allure of the Will/Alana relationship because

This. The medical inaccuracies of a show so detail-oriented annoy me. I'd imagine most shows nowadays would actually hire some sort of consultant to test out some of their theories (like viral encephalitis lasting for more than a month affecting only ONE side of a brain?) But I'm a medical student, so that probably

Bev seemed to have had a friendship with Will prior to his being recruited by Jack. As evidenced by her joking with him in the first episode (i think… I could have made that up). But I wish we did know a little bit more about her because the show really made her stand out as a close friend to Will this entire time.

"the show's sound is constructed with the sightless in mind".

Totally agreed! It's strange that I felt the same warmth and comfort Will did whenever she visited with him even if she was there on official business. If anything besides seeing the show's best female character go, this means there'll just be more of Dr Bloom's googly psychoanalytic sorrow eyes on Will.

I really was expecting Will to start retching and heaving up his last meal just then.

As a practicing Christian that was the first time I ever heard that. I just relegated it to Sleepy Hollow-esque made for tv folklore.

She's the smartest of the three pathologists (who should all be M.D.s which kills me as no one addresses them as Dr) consistently.

Beverley was my favorite character besides Will. They were purely friends. She played the straight man in the midst all of the psychobabble. There was no pretense, psychoanalysis, overreaching or complication to their relationship and if there was doubt it was tossed aside for the betterment of achieving a goal. She

Stray obs: I dont see how the hospital Will stayed at where they accused him of murdering Schur and the neurologist has no security cams or footage. CCTV is everywhere in a hospital and I imagine an MRI suite and hallways would have that kind of thing. Also, if home girl was placed in a hypobaric chamber, alarms would

Don't know why but hoping for development of Will and Beverly's relationship. It's the only one on the show not entrenched with pretense, subversion, trickery or psychoanalysis. It simply is what it is. Will seems to value her for that. And I think that makes their partnership more valuable than even the

for what its worth, vocal cords sit right beneath the epiglottis. they can't be played because they're simply a door-like open-shut structure that lay horizontally so the part of the body the killer whitened are other neck muscles or the trachea itslef slit into longitudinal pieces. it irks me that this show is very

there's a Vivaldi piece "Largo" that ends the episode.

also, the thymus is practically absent in adults unless they have Hodgkins or myasthenia gravis or some t-cell tumor so in the flashback, that adult would have had a barely existent thymus or no thymus at all….

Ack my biggest problem with this episode is the cold open. why would only one nurse be running a code activation for a patient found unconscious? it makes no sense. being well behaved has nothing to do with proper medical response. simple basic life support or even as thoroughly as a medical assessment, starting IV's

LATE LATE to the party, but contrary to what Alana Bloom said to Abigail, Psychiatrists ARE doctors of medicine. They are M.D.'s (or D.O.'s) through and though. Just because their focus is on the organic and psychosocial pathologies of the brain doesn't mean its not medicine. Their main job, particularly in young

LOL. We Christians apparently come off as creepers. Especially white young females. There's like this manic excitement that captivates the feeble young protagonist when IRL, would kinda worry someone. This was the same feeling I got on House of Cards SPOILER: when Rachel finds her female lover at church. I totally

Definitely. If my years of scarfing down Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tolstoy, and watching a season of "Interns" its that in any formal setting (i.e. not at home among family and close friends) that full name gets flung around.