
Counterpoint: unless your life is in danger, do not retaliate. Seriously, we teach this shit to kindergarteners.

How to Deal With The Media

It is? I’ve never thought huckster had any racial connotations. Hmm. 

Interesting, my only experience has been with the word being applied to what might be considered “po’ white trash” - carnies (literally) and those a little rough around the edges who sometimes go door-to-door. Might be a regional thing, I grew up in a very white area.

Thanks, but I get mistaken for Terry Crews all the time.

I enjoy your work on Brooklynn 99.


That was a really athletic catch, but I truly think that it is his work ethic and intelligence that will make him a success.

Did you know that Rex Grossman throwing a pick six can give a man of average size enough strength to break the screen of a brand new plasma TV with a thrown “NFC Champions” hat? You do now.

This. The fact that Rice’s initial suspension was two games when guys were losing entire seasons for weed was the last straw for me.

I do not watch the NFL, but I will gleefully read every article about how fucked up and stupid the NFL is.*

“I don’t spend my free time watching the NFL, just clicking on, reading, and commenting on a sports blog’s articles about not watching the NFL.”

I have a ton of respect for Sherman. After that whole talking trash after the game affair, where everyone said he was a thug and a bad role model, I looked him up to see what he’s about. The guy is a straight up excellent role model. I’d be overjoyed if my kid looked up to him.

Same here. I quit watching 3 years ago because fuck em.

Where’s the option for those of us who aren’t watching the NFL currently but would if Colin Kaepernick took a shit on the corpse of Roger Goodell?


During a sporting event, you are only allowed to take a knee while praying to White American Jesus™ or running out the clock. No other knee related movements are okay.

How Peter King and a thousand hot-takers across the nation read this:

“Also, I was trying to get our entire team to follow Kap’s protest and would have except our chickenshit QB thought it would be bad for his advertising value to say anything of interest about anything controversial.”

This is an excellent take that will be drowned out by rocket fuel-level takes from fans and talking heads alike real soon. So I will applaud this before the avalanche of hate-fueled and/or point-missing retorts comes, in and out of the league.