
It’s not too late! This guy once felt the same way:

1) Hideous Monster spider

Tell them to grow up, get a job and become an athiest and they should be ok.

As a civil engineer, i love it. There are so many areas to get into. My current workload is very GIS heavy and I program what I can when I can. I am a self taught programmer (VB, JS, Python, other web and map stuff) and didn’t get into GIS until I was a grad student. I’m only about 2 years into my career and there are

Your mileage may vary. You can look up on the bureau of labor and statistics for what and where aerospace engineering is prevalent and what the pay scales look like. Some places you won’t be able to find a job, others you’ll have too many opportunities.

Clearly his character is the true leader of Hydra. Ward killed one and two more took his place.