
Another thing that’s missing: a reason to do it every day. Sure, these games are fun, but are they more fun than going for a jog in the park with your running buddy, or showing up to a cycling class where you can borrow the instructor’s enthusiasm and motivation for an hour?

A someone who has played Shining Force way too many times to be healthy, tell me more about these three video games...

My situation is somewhat appropriate: I hate my job, where I have been effectively-but-“lightly” on-call for four years straight. I’ve determined that the stress/anxiety from the job I experience outside of work hours has made it nigh-impossible for me to search for a job; so I’ve saved up $10K and will at least get

Background checks aren’t free (right?) so it surprised me that companies would do that just because a resume was submitted. I don’t know the actual cost so I guess if it’s only, say, $10/head, it would be a relatively cheap way of discarding applicants before a human review them.

Neat! My URL is short enough that it’s easy to hand-type even on a phone (essentially “domain.com/r”) but if it was longer or made sense for the medium a QR code may still be a good idea...

Ha! I don’t think I’d be too hurt by a company rejecting me because they do the whole “father I cannot click book” thing :)

I split the difference: The resume I send/submit (and, extremely rarely, hand) out is a single page. At the bottom of that page, though, is a “read more” section with a very simple URL to my online resume that has everything. It’s on my own domain (a “personal brand” of sorts) and not only offers whatever expanded

“Nice but not kind” sounds like a way to describe “American Politeness” (which is coast-agnostic.) That’s the expected “How are you?” greeting, speaking in a moderate tone even when upset (rightly or not), etc. not because you want to or because you actually feel it but because that’s the social expectation/norm. But w

I know the article opens “cancel $10,000 in student debt for all borrowers” (emphasis mine) but if this even moves ahead in any form—which I don’t expect because Democrats will take every opportunity they can to underwhelm—I’m very interested if it will be for just federal loans or if it will include private loans as

Counter their conspiracy with a new one: If they say the vaccine is just a way for the government to track you, tell them you’ve heard that this one actually interferes with earlier tracking “vaccines”. $VACCINE_MANUFACTURER is trying to hide this from the government because it’s too late to go back to the drawing

Yes. That’s the main one I can recall, too, though I’ve seen a few others (some direct, some indirect.)

I’m reading accounts on Twitter about how doctors and nurses are intubating people and, even while that’s happening, the person is raving that COVID is a hoax or they just have the flu or something.

I’m not, since I live alone, and no one else uses my PC. It’s just funnier to name the partition “faxes” instead of “porn”.

It turns out the internet can forget--or, at least, your preferred sources are suddenly unavailable.

As the only person who is ever in my apartment, or that uses my computer, I have a hard drive partition that is named “Faxes”.

I’ll use TP if I have to, but paper towels? Do you like raw nostrils or something?

You aren’t actually relaying information, you’re just talking in circles. My apologies for taking up your time.

I admit I have not read the paper in full, only the synopsis and overview. So, by all means, please school me: Where does the paper contradict what I quoted, or the implication thereof?

Ah, yes, hyperbole: For when you don’t know what you’re talking about.

OK boomer