
A friend and I running some Team Rumble last night noticed the same thing: Legendary/Epic weapons very rarely appeared and even Rare ones were far less common. We think it’s to encourage use of the upgrade benches and stop people from loading up on OP weapons immediately after landing, both of which seem reasonable

I’ll have to test that out later. I’d rather reel myself towards them, but it could be helpful for pulling someone out of a bad situation. On the other hand, it also sounds like it would be great for griefing.

They went really heavy on aquatics. I can swim (but apparently not dive?), boats, fishing, etc.

I didn’t realize this was “new” because I had re-bound pick-axe to “L” (which I subsequently bound to a mouse button).

If you still have any interest, they often have secondary modes that shakes things up a lot. Before going black-hole, they had “Zone Wars” which threw a group of 15 (20?) people into an essentially round-end scenario. You just had to pop out wherever you spawned and could instantly start fighting/building.

The son of one of my co-workers is one of those kids who is absolutely certain he’ll be the next big streamer, and of course is hugely into Fortnite. I asked her how he took the black screen, she told me he had been grounded from video games for a few days and today will be the first day he can play again.

Take your damn star.

I bought a pack of magnet bookmarks from B&N, where you fold it over the page and it stays in place. The film around them has peeled overtime but they otherwise still work great. They won’t fall out if I fumble the book, and I can mark exactly where on a page I left off.

This very morning, as I was coming into the office, a co-worker was leaving it. He exited, closed the door, saw me down the hall, and immediately turned around to open it back up. I loudly told him “No, you’re good”, as I was still down the hall, before he could punch in his code.

In addition to other replies, one thing to watch out for when running your own domain (which I do recommend) is spam. After years with Gmail it can be a little confusing to see all the spam that will show up, but there are ways to deal with this:

But why? With their huge player base, I don’t understand the need to run this narrow path.

Feels like it kinda defeats the purpose of a sandbox game to have an end

I can’t remember the source (there are probably a few diatribes on it) but I recall reading about “American politeness”—the forced smile and greeting (to include inquiring about the person even though the asker doesn’t care at all) and doing motions as an instinct rather than an intention—being found creepy by

he’s either misinformed or knowingly gaslighting

Currently, yes, but this hasn’t been means tested in court AFAIK. It had been in the past, but that prior law was struck down as a violation of 1A since no actual persons are involved (characters based off of actual people might be interpreted differently.)

Was there a point to the article beyond “look at this gross stuff we found”? It seemed like the article equivalent of your friend calling you over to deeply inhale from the gym bag he found in the back of his closet. Except, at least with the gym bag, you know it’s going to be wicked-nasty if he’s calling you over and

I’ve thought a lot about construction. My main hang up is that I’m lazy AF and would really prefer a job where I was active only about 50% of the time. Not interested in being a desk jockey, but also not a farm boy.

Hello, are you me?

I’m trying to star your comment but it seems Kinja is screwing up as per usual so I’m making this response to pull you out of the grays.

For a short period of time, let your mind wander free. Start with a minute or two and work yourself up to 10 minutes or more.