
Make Ukraine the absolute public highlight, but still definitely include the myriad of other shit (all of which is impeachable on their own right). The Republicans might be able to talk themselves out of a single charge, but their heads will spin trying to defend all of the actions.

Fortnite does have “Arena” modes with ranks (“divisions”) and will roughly skill-match: Very good people will ratchet up to higher divisions, while lesser skilled will stay in lower ones (though they can still become fodder for someone climbing the ladder.) As a low-to-mid player I’ve had some very enjoyable and

I think the only proper response to those idiots is “Do you not understand how insurance works?”

“We noticed you haven’t taken time off recently so you have a meeting scheduled at Disney World tomorrow.”

also level 3 server boost is just 20 boost.

Makes sense for someone that loves Dairy Queen games, though. AFAIK they only have some crappy flash ones.

Sure, statistics and all that. But how many Youtubers, or other “influencer” social media personalities (for lack of a better generic term), have a significant enough portion of their fanbase inclined to conspiracy beliefs (particularly with bigot influences) that the dedicated subreddit has to actively clean up after

Thank you! Looks like it’s not active for me, or Zuck doesn’t want me to have more control, as it just directs me to the General Settings, but as soon as I get that notice I’ll know where to go.

3x Cooler Ranch Cheesy Gordita Crunch was my number 1 comfort meal. If the shells themselves will stick around, cool, but I expect they get junked with the Loco Taco menu item and I worse off for it.


So this guy’s only reason to live and defining feature is that he collects figurines of a shonen manga?

It’s almost like generalizations never literally mean every single possible member of the group just the majority or otherwise sufficiently large portion to make it emblematic.

Maybe we could if greedy landlords weren’t buying up properties, decreasing the supply in the market, so that they can extract rent from them.

No, I expect landlords to not hoard property in order to extract extra (and often excessive) value from it while minimizing the supply.

Oh, I’m not going to wait. Telling them will just alleviate my conscience on the matter. Once I hit that point I’ll still leave regardless if they have someone else ready or not, because I warned them and washed my hands of it.

You could always lower rents and sell your single rental property instead, since you obviously aren’t using it personally. But I expect whatever rate you demand is too alluring.

I know, and that’s the point. I have almost a decade of nuanced information in my head, for applications and macros I’ve written but not ever had time to fully document (if at all). The company won’t crash without me, but if stuff I’ve written and put together fails it can potentially double or more the workload of

I’m not quitting, per se. I’m telling them it’s likely I will at some nebulous near-future point and to be ready. Should they get someone else fully on board and trained to take over my role, I’ll step aside and only do consultant/contractor work to fill in the gaps.

I don’t even want to be at home, it’s just the default existing point. I’ve considered buying one of those truck campers as I expect it would be exactly the same, just a bit more cramped.