
My problem is that I have nothing I like to do, including the job itself. If I don’t like the job, and the job enables nothing I do like, why have it at all? And there’s no job I have even a reasonable expectation of enjoying, so holding out until I can jump ship isn’t an option.


While this is fully within the bounds of standard Any% runs (as I understand them), it’s... underwhelming. While it’s still solely something done within the game itself, using a menu crafted specifically to break the game is not nearly as amazing as other tricks that are found and abused like Index Warping (as

Because MURICA, that’s why.

“We aren’t in a position to open the store up to games that simship,” shorthand for “simultaneous shipment.”

Yeah. If they want to cheat, let the instant karma do its work.

That isn’t a bad idea. They actually did that for planes, with a plane-only duos mode that was quite fun and winnable solo (there was a life system, touching the ground outside the plane was instant death). Do that, but for mechs, where the player has a limited amount of time they can be outside a mech.

The single major counter is using a grenade that deals no damage but forces those in the blast radius to dance; this causes the pilots to exit their vehicle. It is not terribly useful in normal encounters, has a relatively low drop rate, and using it against a B.R.U.T.E. head on is far more risk than reward (so if

It’s going to take some strong arguments for me to believe that Death Stranding is not simply Hideo Kojima’s Celebrity Crush Interactive Universe.

My main concern about this system is that it requires human->machine->human translation. If one party doesn’t have access to the database, it’s completely useless.

So would Democrats actually getting out to the polls. Hopefully that happens rather than a recession.

I’ve tried therapy, counseling, medication both prescribed and OTC, and a brief psychward stint. And, now, CBD oil. Nothing has made any lasting improvement, some things temper it getting worse for a bit but it eventually does.

I actually started taking CBD oil earlier this year (my OP is nearing two years old) without being completely off Welbutrin (though the dosage level I had decreased to was likely placebo.) I made the decision last week to stop taking it regularly, as I track my PHQ9 score and there has been no noticeable change

Oh, I need reasons to live. But going out and doing things for the sake of doing things does not move me in the least. If I were able to get myself to do something in order to just do something, it would be to take care of the myriad of tasks around my apartment as that would also give me a small sense of

Alternatively, treat the theft as an expected loss or expense and incorporate it into prices. Not a wildly popular idea, I’m sure, but average increase would be a few cents per meal (or few cents decrease in margin per meal).

Yes, I have seen psychiatrists as well. (My apologies, I still get psychiatrist and psychologist mixed up very easily, but have seen both.)

I was diagnosed with clinical depression in 2005 by a university clinic counselor, which was “upgraded” to severe depression in 2011 when I had a short stay in a mental ward. I’ve been on multiple medications (some repeating, and in various cocktails) and seen multiple therapists/counselors/psychologists. At best all

That Zoro is goals

Is this not the case for all organized sports, though? I think the classic example is padding used in college/pro football in the mid 1900s vs today. I don’t follow sports but now and then I’ll see a friend post something about a controversial rule change for an upcoming season.

Not even with a full hazmat suit.