But can people in your country pull themselves up by their boostraps? /s
But can people in your country pull themselves up by their boostraps? /s
He’s not a racist, he just hits all of the racist stereotypes and says race-braindead things and does racist accents.
give these kids the ability to send people to war
“Dismiss, don’t assist”
It’s been established that they’ve been exploring this, they filled a patent before the Switch’s release for it’s use in AR/VR in addition to that mode discovered last year. How, or even if, it would be officially used was a lot of speculation, though.
Cart and horse. They can either analyze all games submitted and turn away ones like Rape Day before they hit the store in any capacity, but be called out for censoring/gatekeeping/whatever; or, let everything through and clean up after some bad publicity happens.
“Like many victims, I felt like the system was raping me all over again.”
Fealty to a party got us the current GOP. There is nothing in my mind that would stop this from happening the DNC, the reactions would just be different.
I hope his health is soon upgraded from “dire” to “die”.
There’s also no restrictions on their internal by-laws, so saying that a candidate must have been a member for X consecutive years/months is completely something they can do to exclude “not Democrats” from their primaries.
Susan is not a heart-beat away from being POTUS and carrying out terrible policies. It’s safe to give her a pass.
Does this apply to every type of plastic bottle? I consume an unhealthy amount of power shots, and I’ll remove the cap, toss is in the recycle bin, and turn the bottle upside on a homemade k’nex rack to let it empty+dry before it goes in, too. Unlike water bottles, I think the cap and bottle are the same kind of…
the continued habit of only being in the party when he can get something out of it and then to leave
Biden’s greatest achievement was spawning Diamond Joe Biden at The Onion. He needs to retire or play second fiddle on a late-night comedy show. (Real Biden, Diamond Joe can keep doing his sweet summer gigs.)
It is a music compilation, yeah, but specifically this one. Just the first minute or so (the rest is regular quality Who’s line).
Why on Earth would one woman encourage another woman to set their ambitions so low and enter into a career field that is so damaging?
rape is merely theft
A star for reminding me of one of the best Who’s Line moments ever.
For whatever reason this is one of the few Saved by the Bell scenes I clearly remember.
What I want to know is: