
That Princess Deku is really good, hadn’t expected to ever see it as a costume.

Caption This

That was my first thought upon reading it. A lot of instant noodle stuff and take out containers are black plastic, but I don’t know if there’s a difference between “black plastic” and “’black’ plastic” (where one is an industry term and the other is just an adjective.)

If the black plastic potentially has lead (article says some are made using electronic waste) then that’s a huge no.

Kudos also to Feinstein

The latter, obviously.

I officially no longer give a shit.

Go with “Yes, daddy” if someone wants to make it doubly awkward.

I think it doesn’t stop there, though: America is about detrimental individuality. With exceptions, it doesn’t matter what a person did to achieve success, it only matters that they’re successful. And that’s what Americans are often encouraged to be, the cutthroat cowboy.

Got a problem with FDR’s New Deal, too? Social Security? Medicaid?

The trouble is they’ve been hard at work grooming a lot of disenfranchised young male teenagers to continue their legacy.

I like to say that conservative/small-government types are “selfish-stupid” while socialist types are “selfish-smart”. Selfish-stupid means a person thinks that by hoarding everything they touch they can be 100% self-sufficient; selfish-smart means that someone understands that they benefit from sharing what they have

The latter does not obliviate the former. There were a number of questionable practices and actions during the 2016 DNC primary, and also extremely likely that even without those he would have still lost.

It doesn’t take that much more thought than that, though. The Republican party is shit, so the Democrat party is the default on the national level. This makes the question “Is the Democratic candidate worse than the Republican candidate?” The Republican candidate will be Trump, ergo the question refines: “Is the

The polls were proof, though: While the gap may not have been as big as predicted, polls showed a moderate preference for Clinton and she got 3M more votes in the end. What failed was the pundits and analysts applying that to the Electoral College, particularly national polling applied at a state level.

Because America—or, at least, an unreasonably powerful minority of America—still believes that A) abstinence-only works in every situation; and, B) teens give a fuck what adults think.

Bernie, I love ya. I support your platforms, your consistency on beating those drums is great and things are slowly changing.

Don’t forget a healthcare emergency!

By usurping power using a law intended for a true emergency and then raiding the defense and treasury department, sure! It’s like being proud of your roommate for upholding his promise to empty the kitchen trash by dumping it in your room.