
I’m hoping someone will travel to somewhere remote in, say, Kansas and say “Because you voted for Trump, I will now blot out the sun”.

If he comes out and blasts the KKK like he blasts CNN or Rosie or Obama or Clinton or fake news or the black CEO or Sessions or McConnell or... See where I’m going with this?

Yeah, it’s not like HRC talked about those “deplorables”.

Now playing

He will be as quick to condemn White Supremacists as he is to condemn Putin.

but christ dude, an app about helping women enjoy sex makes you worry about feminist leaning man haters?

I treat her very well, I give her preference in nearly everything, and am chivalrous (not just an act) every single day. She makes me very happy, and is very sweet, beautiful, smart and loveable.

He doesn’t remember what he tweeted five minutes ago. You’re asking a lot.

It will just sit there and do nothing. Therefore, it will be a great improvement over Trump.

I don’t see the resemblance. The inflatable’s hands are much too large.

Trump Chicken - Chump? Tricken?

Ha! Very true.

Don’t forget he also sold his company awhile back to take a role in the White House, and that sale could very well land him in trouble and screw him in the divorce.

Now the shit pudding can hit the fan - if the sale of his hedge fund to the Chinese collapses, it proves his appointment was motive for a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violation. If the sale goes through , but for one cent less than the previously announced $90million, it proves the same, because he’d be accepting

when they announced his name, i spent 2 whole days beign unable to fully concentrate because i kept writing bohemian rhapsody parody lyrics in my head. never fully coalesced in a full parody but some good limes were “scaramucci, scaramucci, can you do the trumps scandal” and “nothing really matters, anyone can see,

he works for Donald trump, additional information on his character is largely cosmetic.

Pretty sure he’s this guy:

You’re still latching onto the literal rather than the symbolic. By turning and walking away, he is, like Lot, never looking back, never to see it again. It’s gone, forever. That requires a supreme amount of willpower. Since you are obsessed with the literal (it will be there when he comes back inside), you are

I’m kinda ok with these existing. Anyone stupid enough to think a random hot girl on the Internet has found you specifically and wants to bang you, and THEN stupid enough to think that you signing up and paying money is going to be the key to sealing the deal... they deserve for their money to be confiscated from them.

Thirty years ago if you had asked me if I wanted to hear a true story about an event in my future that begins with “Nearly 90,000 Sex Bots Invaded...” I can say without question that yes, yes I would have wanted to hear this story.

“I will once again say that Twitter can be tamed by mandatory 2-factor authentication, one of which must be a mobile phone nuclear strike from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.”