
They’re not allowed to under the rules of their profession. As you probably know but some may not, there is a movement underway to allow psychiatrists to weigh in on the President’s mental health. The rule currently in place is intended to prevent them from becoming politicized, and they hadn’t anticipated a situation

I’m assuming you’re kidding, but, if you actually believe this, then you may be a psychopath yourself. Get checked.

Someone explain to me, apart from now tolerating the Orthodox Church, what’s substantially different between Russia now and Russia when Reagan was calling it “The Evil Empire?”

And again, Republicans are concerned but they do absolutely nothing. Republicans don’t care about America.

Should change listing to “can be flown at most once”.

Nowhere in the bible does it explicitly say that Jesus Christ is NOT a 50m tall fire breathing lizard.

“...the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth...”

I will not STAND for this calming reason. What’s below Montana? WYOMING. What’s in Wyoming? THE YELLOWSTONE SUPER VOLCANO. What’s this mean? WE’RE ALL DOOMED

That grocery shopping trip is what convinced Yeltsin to abandon the Communist Party, and ultimately, to take Russia out of the Soviet Union during the 1991 coup, but it really didn’t have anything at all to do with improving US-Soviet relations.

That would only result in that NK diplomat and his entire family being killed or put in labor camps. Kim knows damn well how awesome the rest of the free world is. He was basically raised outside of NK and only went back to assume the throne.

If I was about to go down on a woman and I am face to face and suddenly there are sparkles everywhere... On my face, my tongue, her inner thighs, I’d panic. “What STD is this? Did you fuck a clown? Is this Neverland Herps!? Did you get this from Peter Pan?”

There are thousands of missing Japanese records from that time. It is fairly likely that even if it is true, they don’t have any record of it.

In 1937 Japan was invading China and a lot of records didn’t survive the war. Who knows?

This sport is trash, and the fight should have been held anywhere other than Australia. Horn was always going to win that belt.

The only media he reads or watches is stuff about himself. I’m not surprised he has no idea about the world at large.

Two hours is a hell of long time for someone with untreated extreme ADHD to sit and pay attention.

“corrupt criminal woman”

Kindly go fuck yourself.

There were only two options. You were only either going to get Clinton or Trump. If you voted for neither of them, you didn’t vote.

It doesn’t help that our country fails to do a lot of the things that other countries do to increase turnout.

You know what? This is actually the most evidence I’ve seen of Trump having at least a modicum of intellectual curiosity.