
If I would have pulled this on my mom when I returned from deployment, she probably would have belted me for scaring the hell out of her.

Thanks for your reasoned response. I've posted an apology for my unthinking entry.

Jeezus Christ on a go-kart! I did not mean to launch this kind of shitstorm; especially on an ill-thought-out pejorative! To all offended by my earlier post—I do apologize and I wish I could take it back. I could drape myself in the cloak of victimhood and claim I'm more white trash than thou, but that would be

I’m especially enamored of the way he equates atheists with Satanists. Bite me, you hillbilly no-shoe-wearing asshole.

Zach: You are king, and I shall have none other before thee.

He sounds like an asshole Catholic chaplain I knew in the Navy. I had a young female shipmate who was about to wed a Catholic Marine. They wanted a high mass wedding and she agreed to convert and attend marriage classes. When their discussions turned to their sexual relationship, the chaplain began quizzing them

I would really prefer it if these bigoted shitheads would just say "we hate us sum faggits" instead of trying to couch their moronic blather with faux academic concerns. Like they ever gave a tinker's cuss about book learnin'.

Bris, lil' girl, why don't you just resign yourself to the Baylor/Liberty/Bob Jones Universities tour?

These ratfuckers disgust me; providing misinformation to the desperate is one of the most vile activities imaginable. How they sleep at night is beyond my understanding.

@Marni: No offense meant—I've just always liked the way the word rolled off the tongue; though I do know it tends to apply to a specific subset of Mideast ethno-grouping or to language vice tribal grouping. It was kind of sloppy on my part.

What a splendid piece of work! I am deeply impressed by your intelligence, bravery, and self-awareness. Your experience probably needs to go into some sort of how-to guide.

Fundamentalism of every stripe (Christian/Hebrew/Islam/etc.) seems to always devalue women. Under the guise of benevolence, there lurks a deep vein of loathing and misogyny. A pox upon all their respective manses.

Elitist twaddle. Genre fiction, to paraphrase Sandburg, is the fiction that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands, and goes to work. Is Larsson a little clunky and long-winded? Probably, but his plots are also propulsive (in a wonderfully socio-pulp fashion) and his characters, while not exactly well-rounded,

@Peppermint: Quite true. But when's the last time you heard a leftie taking a potshot at Glen Beck?

Left AND Right problem? What utter bullshit. It's fer damn sure not the progressives who are arming themselves for the coming civil war, murdering abortion providers, blowing up the IRS, and showing up at Obama rallies packing heat. This is YOUR fucking fault, you disingenuous weasel bastards (and I'm looking at

@SorciaMacnasty: I feel ya...I barely have time to get my frickin' laundry done and take care of my sick dog. Oppressing segments of society is such a time suck.

@RainWitch: Claire, I'm so sorry you have to be subjected to this incredibly shitty behavior. It's easy for me to blather about "hanging in there" when you're being treated like this. Here's wishing you better days (which I devoutly believe will follow). I'll be thinking a good thought for you.

Jezus Christ on a fucking go-cart, pageant people! Is there a goddamn malfunction in decision area of your inbred, no-shoe-wearing, vaguely hominid brains? If you are pimping out your daughters to these pedophile fairs, please just kill yourselves and pass your children to some marginally better relatives who

This both horrifies me and breaks my heart. Mr. Zeller was obviously phenomenally intelligent and incredibly articulate. That he took the time and care to craft his final statement speaks to the single-mindedness with which he approached his suicide. It's almost incomprehensible how he couldn't be diverted from