
@Diziet_Sma: I don't know if this little thug is just simple-minded troll, or a nascent serial killer with unsolvable empathy issues. Either way, a banning would be lovely.

Hey! I'm walkin' here!

Besides, hair metal sucks.

Power animal.

Oh, my. This thing cooks! It's a damn pity they couldn't get Graham Ingels to do the art.

I had twenty years in the Navy. I've had my share of XO's. Some of them great, some assholes, some screamers, martinets, heroes, place-holders, etc. but I never had one who disgraced his billet by faux jerking off for the camera.

When you first alerted us about this idiot, I thought it was a bit over the top; I mean, what's the big deal about another troll? However, after your next entry, I stand corrected; this bonehead is truly bananawackos and quite possibly dangerous. I am sincerely creeped out.

She's a marginal intellect who desperately wants to join the level of "big thinkers." She compensates by dressing herself up as a street-smart working class idol (which is laughable), but it doesn't seem to be enough.

@tidymaze: Really? I've only had one problem and that's been at Staples. The handheld usually works to read just about anything.

Not for me to shill, but—-the Cardstar iPhone app is killer.

Oh my, it's fun to watch the purity purges! I am reminded of the quote from Garbo in "Ninotchka": "The show trials were a great success; there will be fewer Russians, but better ones."

C'mon, Harry. Seriously, for just this once, please don't be a pussy. Just do the right thing.

Another person wanting to go to hell and doesn't wish to stand in line.

The one great thing about these mental/moral arthritics: EVERYBODY hates them. The loathing spans the political and cultural strata and gives us all a chance to join hands and kumbaya for this one single thing.

I'm a retired Sailor with 20 years' service and would like to make a few, I hope, salient points:

He was well-known during his time in the Navy as a half-assed aviator and a shitty officer. He was protected at every level by his father and grandfather, both Admirals. Any other officer with his sorry record (prior to his POW stint) would have been encouraged (with subpar fitness reports and dismal assignments) to

Still waiting for John Carpenter to option for a Sonja Blue movie.

The sight what severely chilled my shit: Walternate's completely cold, hateful, and devoid of compassion gaze at Ourlivia just before he says, "sedate her." John Noble is the man.

I thought I had it tough in high school just being my normal geek self. Kiddo, you have my utmost respect and admiration. I would have folded like a cheap squeezebox under the pressure and violence you faced. Here's wishing you better things.

I just love right-wing pussies who bravely slur the accomplishments of SSG Giunta from the dangerous perch of their studio mikes. Any recipient of the Medal of Honor is, and should be, lauded daily. Sal, I'll wash your car every week for the rest of your life, if you want.