
Norman Spinrad's "Solarians". If I would have start reading his stuff with this (his first book), I'd never have begun another. Pulpy (in a bad way), ham-handed, and ridiculous. He improved exponentially with his next two novels.

@Merricat: Farnham's is a troubling book, and one that is a black mark on RAH's legacy.

@lilyblaze: The Creep is strong with this one.

@KLondike5: Absolutely. The First Amendment guarantees your right to speak out—it does not guarantee that you will have a venue. Amazon is not under any onus to provide publishing services for anyone; especially sociopaths would espouse the sexual abuse of minors. Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?

The definite lesser of two very weaselly evils.

I feel small and petty right now.

I also saw this thing when it was broadcast on the CBS late movies. My darling, wonderful grandmother allowed me to stay up and watch it. Even then, I knew it was a cheese factory. It always bugged the hell out of me when the laser rifles always sputtered out after a few shots. Then, of course, they were flung at

While I was in college, I was renting a place in a converted rooming house built in the 1880’s. The place had been gutted and re-gutted through the years, finally morphing into a shabby, but livable series of rooms and full apartments featuring dirt-cheap rent and stolen cable. My place was a series of four gigantic

@crosis101: I still get chills from the line, "...and now let us stand for the corporate anthem."

Corpulent, dimwitted, blowhard.

Y'know, I'm kind of cynical, miserable prick: self-centered, a little mean, and arrogant. But when I put my foot in the cowflop of life, I fucking man up, abjectly apologize, and generally abase myself in an unequivocal manner. That's how you say "I'm sorry," you gawdamn waste of space.

This ties in with all the anecdotal evidence I've posted in the last few months. I'm a retired sailor with 20 years in the Navy, and let me tell you this: No One Really Gives A Fuck. I saw more winking and nodding when it came to gay sailors during my time that I can comfortably count. In my first command, one of

@Grover Dill: Absolutely! I'm a retired servicemember, and when a senior gave a lawful order, you saluted, said "aye-aye", and god have mercy on yer doomed ass if you did otherwise. I'm sure when Truman signed the desegregation order there was a lot of bitching.

@bluebears: Shit—you've got a point. I hate it when you reasonable folks do that.

Excuse me—we've got an anti-feminist, anti-choice, anti-sex, anti-LGBT, gay-baiting, half-witted, anti-everything-we-hold-dear Christofascist wingnut who would cheerfully wipe her ass with the Bill of Rights and put progressives in a concentration camp, if she could get away with it; and you're upset because she got

I ordinarily treasure non-PC humor, but are these fuckers brain-damaged? What exactly were they trying to accomplish with this except they obviously drunk away precious reasoning faculties during the last band party.

It ain't Hollywood ponying up the ducats for Big Uwe; he gets most of his funding from taking advantage of German tax laws, FRG money for the arts, and a consortium of private investors who need a tax dodge.

Karma, karma, karma: A very mean and unforgiving force with a hockey stick.

Actually, if one hews closely enough to the original short, the lead would be more accurately cast with Paul Giamatti.