
I can't imagine the erotic joy of being the current Mr. Reynolds.

I'm foursquare against the death penalty and other cruel punishments, but when it comes to abuse of trusting animal companions, I tend to think in terms of "eye for an eye." This sadistic bint can keep her money; I just want to lock in a dumpster for about three days.

Y'know, I was in a frat in the mid-70's. We didn't have insane pledging rituals, no one died of alcohol poisoning, we treated women with respect, and we actually did some decent community service projects—when we weren't drinking ourselves blind or getting smoked like a Boston scrod.

Well, I kind of thought she was a whore, but of the corporate variety.

I'm glad to see rampant stupidity, sexism, and pig-ignorance is not confined to US borders.

Evidently, someone wants to go to hell and just doesn't want to stand in line (nod to Eddie Murphy).

@SpicyCheeto: You're absolutely correct AND a much better person than I. Personally, I'm a miserable prick who would probably be thinking thoughts of arson and mayhem. You're way is preferable.

@Little Time Bomb: Please be careful; this paragon of humility and love is probably armed.

Just look into the eyes of his photo. Does anyone actually get a sense that Kenny Boy has an iota of compassion or empathy? There's nothing there; intelligence, concern, kindness—not a fucking thing. Just a raw animal cunning. Kenny Asshat will do anything to wind anything—as long as it's not too hard.

Does anyone know why this mental arthritic is doing this? Who the hell has the time to spare to develop this level of assholery. I work full time, do housework, etc.—I couldn't spare five minutes a day to stalk someone. Unless, you're really dedicated closet case—like Andy!! (A very pleasant nod and thanks to Boone

"sexually seducing and influencing "a previously conservative [male] student" so much so that the student, according to Shirvell, "morphed into a proponent of the radical homosexual agenda;"

@thePrototype: Agreed; no one is this vociferous without lusting for teh cock. A certified closet case.

I actually saw this at a drive-in when it was originally released. It was really all kinds of fabulous. As I recall, it was paced at an amazing rate (so you really didn't have to think too hard about the batshit plot). Loves me some giant robots.

@stacyinbean: I think there's a lot of equal-opportunity assholes in this particular niche. When I was in the Navy, I worked in executive administration. We'd get letters from disgruntled spouses & partners across the sexual spectrum. It was always ugly and, interestingly enough, most of my CO's chose to covertly

Still beautiful, always talented, and just, well, nice. My wife was running a conference in the same hotel a screenwriting awards ceremony was being held. There were quite a few celebs walking about. My wife, who's always enjoyed Curtis' work, saw her and waved. Curtis immediately walked over, said hello, and

"Alcohol use, adultery, fraternization, and body art," said Chambliss.

@vamusical: Naw—I'm a middle-aged man and can pretty much assure you these two virgins-til-they-were-30 are the humor equivalent of getting hit in the crotch repeatedly with a ball-peen hammer.

There is an unwritten social covenant between people and our companion animals (primarily cats and dogs). We take care of you, feed you, provide for your general welfare and love you. In return, you offer your love without condition or artifice. In this neither of use stands along against an uncaring world. People