
I attended a Roman Catholic parochial school the first 7 years of my educational life and was taught by sisters of the Benedictine order (starting about 1964) in a Midwestern state. I’m talking old-school, head-arm-foot-habit-wearing nuns. Starting at age 7, I was regularly paddled with a shaved 1" X 3" board,

"It is better to copulate than never." Robert Heinlein (Notebooks of Lazarus Long)

As a woman of color, Malkin has always provided cover for the worst racist/sexist rantings of the mentally ill wingnut brigade. She's attacked children seeking healthcare, gays seeking equality, and her sisters for just wanting a square deal. On a gender-free note, she can simply go to hell.

Can't have the ladeez get with the book learnin'. Leads to voting and wanting to wear trousers and whatnot.

I became an atheist and walked away from the Catholic church at 18. It's bullshit like this that keeps convincing me I'm on the right path. People, if you believe in the universal rights of all regardless of their sexual orientation, leave your bigoted places of worship and find another church. They are out there.

We are now officially as dull as a sackfull of wet mice.

Sister, testify. The depth of their hypocrisy is breathtaking.

I joined a fraternity a a small Midwestern college in the late 70's, and I swear to sweet Jeezus the hazing was kept to almost nothing. We, however, drank enough beer and smoked enough weed to paralyze the population of Topeka. Our entire initiation rite consisted of three bonfires placed in shape of points on a

Testify, brother. I cannot see this done on American TV with the delightfully profane dialogue excised, and Kelly portrayed by a stick-thin model.

Absolutely. The conservitards, having dispensed with the pretense of actively serving their country and its citizenry, now merely worship Satan and feast upon the blood of puppies and infants. Really.

Hell awaits this delusional mental arthritic.

Nicely put. I pretty much worshiped at the Altar of Miller and forgave him a lot of his artistic sins (hell, I'm about the only one who seems to have ANYTHING good to say about DK2 or All-Star Batman). But HOLY TERROR just beat it out of me. I ended up shipping it back to Amazon with a note complaining about

You may have been looking at the wrong carriers. We pay about $30 a month for fairly decent coverage. This came in very handy when we had a $4000 surgical bill for a leg injury. Some vet practices have their own payment plans and policies in effect for reasonable amounts.

Please, please, please. I so want to be a "wag" and a "telephonist." This is the most piss-elegant stuff ever!

About 30 years ago, I was convicted of DWI and sentenced to a richly-deserved 60 days in the county jail. The judge mercifully suspended the confinement on the condition I complete the probation requirements (AA meetings, substance abuse classes, no drinking, etc.). I blew off the probation for the couple of weeks

You are 100% correct. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Except just this one time.

I'm a retired Sailor and currently work in a DoD agency. I work with a few Marine officer, and while most don't like the repeal, they have ALL pledged to obey the order and implement it in good faith. I've seen too many great Sailors lost to this stupid, bigoted mistake of a law. A good friend and shipmate of mine

I was in the Pentagon the day of the attack, fairly close to the impact site. I heard the engines the the aircraft prior to the strike. I also lost two colleagues that day who worked in the Navy Command Center. I can assure you the attack on the Pentagon was very real. If you prefer to stick your fingers in your

I don't know if you've seen this article. It's a little old, but very revealing.

Your posts on this thread have been excellent. I was going to say I decided I was not going to support Card's rampant homophobia and paranoid musings any long and just sold all his books I owned, but you've taken this subject to a much higher level. Have you though about doing a full-length article?