
I'm 52 and don't particularly care for YA fiction, but I waded in on Stephen King's rave and was enraptured. Rarely has dystopian fiction been so uplifting; bravery celebrated, family vindicated, the high brought down. In today's world where we seem to be the pawns of corporate fascists, Katniss' bravery and

I don't have a personal story, but when I had just started my naval career, I, and a few of my squadronmates, were sent to the aircraft carrier as a repair and maintenance detachment to work on our squadron's work and sleeping spaces. One of our member, a young sailor we nicknamed, for unfathomable reasons, "Krunt,"

I'm not a big PETA supporter either, but right is right in this case. I've never liked it when animals were forced to gambol about for our amusement and to enrich corporate coffers.

@Steve U: I read an interview with her, noshit, where she referred to her breasts as, "my jewels."

@mordicai: Taymor took one of Shakespeare's weakest works and turned it into a masterpiece.

I've seen some egregious crap in my military and civilian working life, but the fact that this shit-weasel hasn't been arrested for assault/battery does not speak well for the legal system.

Lesson Learned: If you want to say stupid, racist shit, please be prepared for a response you asshole, faux-therapist bint.

@The world will know squalor.: Hear, hear sirrah! The labels, in conjunction with the RIAA, have done more to hose up popular music than anything in the last 20 years. Reliance on outdated tech, shitty musical choices mandated by understaffed R&A departments, completely dropping the ball on digital music, and just a

@Laulau: I spent most of my career working as an executive admin assistant to flag officers (admirals). It's just going to take a lot of retirements to change some of the outmoded opinions.

As a retired member of the US Navy, I can tell you all that I'm just damn sick and tired of the waste of talented, patriotic, and forthright personnel like Katherine.

Obviously, a charter member and treasurer of the He-Man Wimmen Hater's Club. Spanky would be proud.

As a white guy, and in order to ease Dr. Fucktard's sense of loss that she is unable to use racial pejoratives, I pledge to address all my race-brothers/sisters as "Whitey, Ofay, Crakka, and Pale Devil". But only is she pledges to shut the fuck up. Jeezus Christ, what a tool.

An old girlfriend of mine told me one of her ex-husbands said something similar while trying to talk into a three-way with a mutual acquaintance: "When you have steak every night, you just gotta have a hotdog one in a while."

I am not addicted to caffeine, and I will kill you all if you don't get out of my way at Mischa's Coffee House.

My parents loved me, but were so frakkin' skeeved about the whole sex thing, that they pretty much screwed me up for years. Jeebus knows, an additional eight years of Catholic parochial education didn't help matters. For years, I thought women became pregnant spontaneously, and I wondered what was the problem with

I guess sociopaths make for edgy viewing.

@chalkshark: Goddamn cheap Acme Lazertron 3000!

@Charlotte Corday: Agreed. WaPo was once the nation's premiere paper, but now it's just a third-string NYT clone. They canceled Book World, published Krautmensch and Parker, retired Stephen Hunter (leaving their film criticism decidedly third-rate), and have generally let a once-fine paper slide into apathy.

I dunno, maybe the skinny ties make you look better vomiting.

I'm kind of a big frickin' hypocrite. I consider myself an agnostic cum atheist, but I regularly attend services and am a member of a congregation of the United Church of Christ. I don't believe in the divinity of Jesus, but I am very fond of the church, the pastor, and the congregants (very progressive, extremely