
Psychopathy has now completely overtaken the Repuglitards.

Bow down before your new canine overlord!!!

I dearly love my wife, but she wants to see this abomination. I'm thinking of striking a deal where she goes to the movie, and I'll sit in the parking lot and beat my head in with a claw hammer.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Winston Churchill was accused by high-ranking members of the Royal Navy of dismissing their "traditions." Churchill replied, "Don't talk to me about naval tradition. It's nothing but rum, sodomy, and the lash."

There's a distinct difference between fooling around for the camera, sexual assault, and lack of consent. This poor kid has been through the wringer and shamed essentially for being young and silly. I'm sure as hell glad I did my drinking before the video age came in to being; I'd probably still be trying to live my

@SarahMC: We are all Gary now.

OK—hate the Jersey Shore and the mind-numbingly self-deluded collection of boneheads and dimwits, but this is like punching a retarded kitten repeatedly.

Stay classy, repugnikans.

@Artemis47: She claims the church supports our marriage and does not want us to divorce. According to LDS dogma, I will not join my wife in the Celestial Kingdom after we die, as I am a gentile. They gloss over this with platitudes like, "God will sort all this out." I really dislike these professionally nice

I am a agnostic cum atheist (depending on the day) who, strangely, regularly attends services at a very liberal United Church of Christ congregation (about half the membership is LGBT). I don't believe in the divinity of Christ, but I sincerely love the people and the pastor. So I eat my hypocrisy sandwich and sing

@dragonian_angel: There are many great artists who are terrible people, but I can separate that from their art. Criminality, however, is a whole 'nuther smoke. I remember the arguments made by many film scholars regarding Leni Riefenstahl and how she should be forgiven "Triumph of the Will" because it's a great

@Peppermint: You didn't start anything. Some folks just don't want to see anything that may be construed as uplifting. I'm kind of a miserable bastard myself, but even I found this strangely comforting.

I'm not a particularly good-looking guy and women have very rarely approached me in public settings. This is the unfortunate tale of one instance they did.....

@vicky55: You're pretty much on the money here. I went through the tradition process and all it did was make me sneakier about my drinking. It was another 5 years of boozing and getting into trouble before a military substance rehab took hold. Twenty-three years sober.

@marathonjunkie: When I got popped for DWI over 25 years ago, my probation officer would have nailed me to a tree if I had pulled one-tenth the shit she did. I was a little lackdasical in my approach to the court-mandated requirement and my PO very nicely told me that if I didn't get my shit together, she would have

Deliberately obtuse or just pathetically stupid; really a zero-sum game.

@corpore-metal: Please check out Steve Barnes' alt-history novels "Lion's Blood" and "Zulu Heart." The Black Death pandemic is much more severe, decimating the population of Europe. America is explored and settled by Zulus, Arabs, Aztecs, Vikings and Indians. Europeans are enslaved in much the same fashion as

Sarah Palin—spanking material for GOP douchebags who don't know how to download quality porn.

My beautiful, intelligent, and thoughtful niece was the object of disdain for a group of her high school tormentors on a recent class trip to New York. Evidently, she committed the serious social crimes of purchasing a blouse that her "friends" thought gauche and befriending some of the less popular kids on the trip.