
I love my Kindle, and I love the printed page and wonderful limited editions. I, too, have to haul a ton of books around every time I move (currently have about 3000 volumes in storage awaiting a home sale). I've also doubled up on purchases (The Passage and Under the Dome, for instance) so I don't have to crate 3

This will be the greatest film ever made.

Any film that gives Dame Mirren an automatic weapon, explosives, and license to pistol-whip enemies is just ducky with me.

When I was in the Navy, every time we were promoted, we had to take a 2-3 day leadership course of study, which contained a section on equal opportunity. This was the mid-to-late 80's and each time I took the course, one of the guys would begin to complain about having to work with women while completing aircraft

I have no pride—a cheap shot is better than no shot.

This unlovely little spawn of Satan is an acorn wot has not fallen far from the oak. I predict by the teenage years Mumsy and Pops will have shuffled of the the Great Choir Invisible due to an "accident." Patty McCormick's got nuthin' on this little bundle of poison.

My wife is a business genius, savvy executive, and wonderful woman. She is also a horrid cook and fairly messy—it's OK; I cook very well and houseclean and launder with great skill. I actually long for the day she pulls in enough money for me to stay and home and take care of house and dog.

"The hope is that both would survive??!!" This is why I left the Catholic church at age 18 and never looked back. The homophobia, misogyny, disrespect for the political process and pedophilia that permeates this organization at all levels is just godawful. Please excommunicate me you fascist pricks.


Wonderful words, especially coming from a former Hitler Youth, pedophile-protecting douchetard. Up yers, holiness.

Call your doctor after a 4-hour erection? Hell, I'm calling everybody!

It's OK, but it's no William Shatner "Rocket Man."

"I help George with the big words."

Granted—these neadertards are a waste of gestational material, but if you let Facebook morons spin you up, you'll never come down. Let the stupid fucks stew in their broth of contempt...damn! That was something approaching wit!

I have an ancestor who fought for the Union during the Civil War. I kind of hope he put one of those traitorous fuckers in the ground.

I was a dumbass white farm kid growing up in the Midwest during the early to mid-70's. I worshiped at the altar of blaxploitation films and had an eternal jones for Pam Grier. Tough, beautiful, and totally boss; this woman remains my forever spiritual fiancee.

The twisted logic of these creeps just makes me want to pound my skull with the business end of a framing hammer until the bad thoughts go away.

"Addiction to porn"? Personally, I never watched a bunch of porn, masturbated frantically, then wrapped my car around a pole and told a state trooper to kiss my ass. Now THAT's addiction!

I especially liked the part in the newspaper article where this Veerkamp clod said he couldn't sleep at night after reading the book. Oh my stars and garters! I must away to the fainting couch before I'm swept by the vapors! Why is it subliterate goons seem to flock to sit on school boards? Is it so they can ensure

@maggiethecat: There are moderately-priced vehicles that make 35 mpg or better. My new Smart Fortwo cost 13K and I get about 40 mpg. The Yaris gets about 36 at 12K and the Fit does 35 for 15K.