
@trixiebelle: Trixiebelle, thanks for posting this.

@Lynx: Ten years hence, they can stew in their elegant mobile homes while Constance is enjoys a fulfilling career outside the confines of Loserville.

So, this petulant little attention whore now plays the race card?

You know, when I was back in college (during the Punic Wars), I invited a young lady back to my tiny apartment. We listened to music, talked, drank a lot of liquor, smoked reefer, and made out. She removed her top, and I thought this was just going gangbusters. Unfortunately, she became distraught soon after, began

Listen up Alex: I'm a gentleman of 51, so respect my age & experience for about 5 minutes and I'll let you in on a couple of secrets: (1) Real men don't take advantage of anyone's state of inebriation. In just about any legal or moral junior handbook, this is sexual assault. (2) Gentlemen of moral character HELP

If there were really a god, a well-aimed lightning strike could have solved all our problems.

@andBegorrah: Any special reason you'd like to share with me as to why you edited my post into illegibility?

Th fct tht ths lnk-hrd bwlng bll s stll wrkng t th Pst s jst nthr rsn cncld my sbscrptn. t s bynd my kn s t why Ls d Mrs (n f th fnst wrtr r tlvsn dsn't hv hs jb. Shls hs dmnstrtd vr th yrs h's vndctv, ptty, nd frly shtty stylst.

@Flackette Goes Retro: My father-in-law (whom I love like my own father) lives in Lexington. He's a Republican who is really getting tired of making excuses for Sleepy Jim.

Not being a parent, maybe I've got this whole father/mother/child dynamic hosed up. The way I understood it, you take care of your kids, protect them from harm, nurture and support them, and prepare them to face the world solo, with all its inherent challenges. Did I miss the part in the Spock manual where you kick

Shales is a decidedly unhinged critic. He froths in his pieces like the people responsible had asked for a crack at his wife. Also, for some reason, he's got some kind of boner about Stephen King and never fails to castigate him. I'm pretty sure he frenches Harold Bloom. At any rate, I'm planning to shitcan his

Philosophy 101: It was a breathtaking view into a study I once considered elitist and pretentious. The professor was a dynamic and fiercely intellectual demon known about the campus as "Wild Bill." He pushed the (at that time) novel idea that philosophy was not some ivory tower stoic concept for academic loonies,

I really, really try to be understanding. After all, in the great and grand scheme of things, this is just a blip. We've got bigger and better to worry about; health care, foreign wars, the economy, etc..

@KatrinaBullfinch: Because, unfortunately, we're watching it. I accept the blame.

@MizJenkins: I have a feeling "sole custody" would be, "Hey Mom and Dad, could you watch L'il Corey for a week while I binge drink myself into a coma?"

@Scoldy Lox: I think the love and support were there, but also the absolute refusal to indulge her daughter's rose-colored fantasies about the swell life she was going to have with a dress-up doll on her hip.

@PilgrimSoul: I know—it frankly makes me embarrassed for my gender (and I'm 50). It seems hard to elucidate the reasons behind the thuggish behavior of these childlike (in the worst sense of the word) doofi. There's no sense of caring or sensitivity towards mother or child. Every perceived slight is met with

I wouldn't let this doltish Fred Durst clone raise a bucket of minnows.

@LivingVicariouslyThroughMyself: I retract all things mango related and will have the Ministry of Information release a statement of apology. The lunatic is still bone-stupid, however.

Much as I love me some Joan Jett, we tend to forget that the Runaways were a pretty mediocre outfit. Joan was the only real talent in a band marred by crappy lead runs, a truly uninspired rythym section, and just heinous vocals (Sandy West, jeebus rest her sad soul, couldn't play a simple blues shuffle on a bet).