
This bint with the IQ of a mango shouldn't be allowed to parent a stuffed animal collection. I'm not even going to hazard a guess on the California requirements for home schooling. This flock of dimwitus Americanus has a wonderful future jam-packed with illiteracy, meth addiction, and low-end prostitution. I'd like

@EdnasEdibles: I guess they're lucky that Ubermom didn't develop a course in Scheisse Porn 101.

@la.donna.pietra: Agreed. After watching this, I'd even be in the mood for a nice Mennonite community.

I just got a little sick in my mouth. I'm OK; really.

Hi Ladies! Don't worry your pretty little heads about anything! You can now look forward to a future as a life-support apparatus for your fetus. And we'd REALLY appreciate not hearing anything silly like, "adult," "free will," or "personhood." When we want an opinion, we'll kick it out of you—unless you're knocked

I'm 51, child-free, and a tremendously cool uncle. I always get the kids great birthday/xmas presents, listen to them when they talk, and freely admit to being a grownup dumbass to their teen minds. My sibs/inlaw sibs are kind of clueless, drunk, or don't give a fuck, so I am proud to be the very weird guy who tells

The administrative equivalent of knocking over the checkerboard and screaming, "I don' wanna play no more!"

Once again, thank you for watching so I don't have to watch. That aside, there must be a just and vengeful god to smite these vile halfwits with locomotives and killer whales from the sky. I feel the need to wash myself thoroughly. The shame...

Color me sick unto death of these women-hating thugs who pander their psychopathic misogyny under the guise of "caring" and jeezus. What motivates these fucks?

I've beaten this particular equine before, but it bears shouting out one more time—these assholes only give a shit about children while they're ensconced within the uterus. The second they're popped out—well, you're on your own, bitch. Tough nooks for you.

This is, quite possibly, the single dumbest article on film I've read in the past five years. Bigelow has been a favorite director of mine since she did "Loveless." Her interests are her interests and they are far more intriguing than Ephron's pablum. She generally makes tough, uncompromising films and she

@TimFritz: These douchenozzles have never given a fuck about kids once they've slipped the uterus. Of course these are the same kindly folks who curse welfare and government healthcare. They're also the first to find a friendly doc who'll do it on the sly once their brat is knocked up, too.

Ima likin' my LL Bean stretchy-waist khakis and oxford shirts more every day. It's the perfect look for a middle-aged busted-down yutz like myself. Homely and proud.

Bible-thumping fuckwits like L'il Fascist here continually harp on this teeny speck of Leviticus to bolster their twisted values. The same book also cautions against wearing silk and wool together (I'm serious fucked on a daily basis; one ticket on the Hell Express for me) and prescribing death for children who

I really, really want to anoint this halfwit's forehead with an axe handle. Perhaps his doucheness is a primal force that blows across the land, unimpeded by rational thought, hygiene, or breeding outside his immediate family.

Makes me want to move to Utah, just so I can piss on the statues of Joe and Brigham in the Square.

@BettyCrockerPunkRocker: I paraphrased Micah 5:15 which reads, "And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, such as they have not heard. " King James version.

@SaraRueful: Dog guy, myself. But I know where you are with this. To paraphrase the book, "And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the defilers of my companion animal, such as they have not heard." I'm not religious, but nothing says vengeance like the Old Testament.

I swear, evil fuckers like this product of a sheep rapist make me weep for the constituency of Virginia. First a governor who stripped GLBT folk of state job protections and clips educational funding, then this sadistic, self-righteous fucktard. My mother sometimes told me having a conscience could be a curse. I

As a gent in his early 50's, I find it difficult to fathom why ANY woman in their 20's would think of me in anything other than a friendly/brotherly/fatherly fashion. I've always dated within a few years of my age. The emotional and intellectual experience level if much more comfortable.