
Seeing shit like this makes me want to pound my own skull with the business end of a framing hammer. I've beat this horse a few times already, but what the fuck up is with these entitled halfwits? And thank you for filtering these clips to us so I don't put a foot through the screen.

Thank you for this service. I really can't bear to watch this brood of entitled sows for more than 90 secs at a time, but for some twisted reason, I can't look away when you sweet people post these. BTW, I recently wrote Zooey Deschanel's name on my clavicle with a magic marker. She dont' come around here no more.

Oh, my; this shit is rich. First, the Jeebus Brigade runs rampant, trying to get everyone to embrace the White Man's Burden. When they get nicked with their pants wrapped around their ankles, they throw one of their own to the lions. I'm not a biblical scholar, but I still can't find the chapter/verse where it's

Still way smarter, prettier, and tougher than Tucker (who is, I am fairly certain, heavily closeted).

Once again, more proof that Palin's appeal and influence is due to the fact she provides spanking material to the average GPO male who's deathly afraid of real porn.

As long as jeebus sez it's okey dokey, well, why not? The arrogance of the fundies always leaves me gobsmacked. These yokels swagger in with no knowledge of the people, country, customs, and language with their utter conviction that They Know The True Path and are amazed when they stick their foot in the cowflop of

She assisted the contemporary Lucifer of right-wing dogma, Crazy Tom Delay, in his quest to destroy this country. Personally, I hope she ends up living out of a KFC dumpster.

I was raised to respect books, but every time I pass her little volume of scribblekrap, I really just want to open it and hawk a looie into the title page.

"The Terror" was a cheap quickie even by Corman's standards. He had the sets left of from "The Raven" and "The Haunted Palace." Corman even shot extra movement and transitional scenes featuring Karloff thinking he could edit the footage into a usable film. Jack Hill and Francis Coppola also shot some footage for