Kilo Sierra

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

I’m sorry but this must be said:

So long Waffle House doesn’t give up its aesthetic of half-burnt out 25w bulb lighting and how everything vaguely feels like it has a thin layer of congealed grease on it.

Because it was D.Rose and LeBron who did it. Just like in politics and in life, in sports the rich and powerful don’t get punished yet the ones with less power and money we throw the book at them. That is why I see these women as having more balls than LeBron and company. LeBron and co. could make even stronger

1) Joke about WNBA being unpopular
2) Joke about how there are so many ESPNs
3) Joke is an overused reference to a movie from more than five years ago

Congrats, you are now a drive-time sports radio host. Please pick up your bottle of spray tanner and wrap-around sunglasses at the front desk.

I could be wrong, but her primary complaint didn’t seem to be about beauty standards only, but how everyone is waiting for her to be pregnant so she can be a complete woman or something. This wasn’t about decades of pictures of her without make-up, or having cellulite, this was about her having a baby and how it’s a

He can’t handle the Ruth.

You’ve been very lucky with your bosses if this doesn’t ring true to you.

Remember when he was someone you disagreed with but ultimately respected? 2007 seems so long ago...

Right?! Compare that illustrious lineup of Trumpty Dumpty family members to who is likely to appear at the Dems convention: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bill Clinton. Maybe Julian Castro. I mean, Jeezus, there’s just no comparison. It’s like comparing the Big Apple Circus to the United

Grief didn’t turn that woman into a racist sack of shit.

My humble suggestion is that celebrities should wear fashion designers on the Red Carpet.

“Mother May I Sleep With Bat Boy?” on Lifetime.

False. Hollywood reboots movies that absolutely do not need them all the time (and most of the time the trailers for those projects look like shit too). I can’t think of a single reboot that has attracted anywhere NEAR the level of vitriol as the Ghostbusters reboot. There’s almost nothing different from Ghostbusters

I feel like it’s been a while since I waxed rhapsodic about Pictorial.

I completed a PhD program in literature in which about half of the students were also published writers or novelists. Because it wasn’t an MFA program, there were no creative writing classes. Instead professors held “salons”. They were all male even though half of the students in the program are female. When women


They also were threatening the same thing when Arizona was contemplating a bill against brown people. It is good to see the NFL taking action, but it is sad that the prospect of losing the option to host a bowl is a bigger driving force than actually not being terrible.

Welcome to Super Bowl LIV coming to you live from the Goatse Dome.