Kilo Sierra

You and me both. I have intensely passive-aggressive contests with one of my beloved flatmates who likes the temperature to hover somewhere between the Arabian desert and the surface of the sun. I, being a normal, like it somewhere around 21°-22°C (aka 70°-72°F in American). So every time one of us passes the

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought Bob raped Mayella.

One of the things I’ve always hated about historical fiction is the plethora of white men who, despite living in racist towns during racist time periods, are not racist at all and oppose racism. Did such people exist? Yes, certainly a few of them did, but they were far from the majority. Yet historical fiction would

But I thought 4 out of 5 gynadentists recommended it?

Improper and unhealthy hygiene are not “hashtag pussy power.” If anything is, it’d be learning to properly care for your female genitalia. Soap should never be used on your mucous membranes. Never. This means, you do not use soap of any kind on the inside of your labia majora or anywhere internal to that. Ever. That

I love a good Mel Brooks word play. I used to show horses and I had a Selle Francais (French Warm blood) That I named “Count de Money”. When ever the ringmaster would announce people around the course would yell “De Monay, De Monay”

And floss. You bleed because you don’t floss.

So it’s hot as balls outside when my vagina overheats are you saying that it is hazardous to run 50/50 coolant through my vagina? Does this also apply in winter with anti- freeze? I’m in California so the anti freeze thing doesn’t always happen but it can get below freezing where I’m at in the state.

Rough day for Guy fieri

My first rat was called Chester MacFistacuffs.

It’s like Stephan curated BCO

The Frappening.

The hottest nightclub in town is... HELL. It has everything: Saddam Hussein, KY super soakers, third leg warmers....

Jurrasic Park Criminal Intent. <3 I’ve been going with “JP : Live Free or Di No.”

Exactly. 95% of criminals say they’re sorry after they’re caught and I’m sure some survivors of their crimes even truly forgive them. But I’ve never heard of a victim impact statement that caused the judge to be like, “oh, you forgive him?? Well what the hell did we bother with this trial bullshit for?? Go and sin no

I want a “Catching Dick” T-shirt now

Yep, Personality is Sexy!

WTF story of the year, non-Florida category.