
Too awesome to happen. Sad face.

So in heavy gridlock, surrounded by a full school bus and a propane truck, police decided to open fire? On suspects that were running away (as opposed to attacking) and (based on there being no mention of a weapon) unarmed?

Now there’s a good example of retro done right

Now playing

“The Humbler” for those who are not in the know.

This is the greatest post in the history of Jalopnik.

i like this version better.

Damn that’s Imprezzive

Hudson’s system was unique. If the hydraulic brakes failed, the pedal would continue to travel and actuate the mechanical brake automatically.

Oh my gosh, this design is just wonderful.

I beg to differ:

Camera/radar/laser (not exactly sure which) stuff is behind it. I wish someone would go all Manhattan Project to find a better way to integrate that cover, because it is all my eyes go to every time it appears and it bugs the hell out of me. It looks similar on the Mercedes.

I hold out hope that somewhere, probably out in the desert Southwest, some crazy railfan with a ton of space saved one of the Verti-Pac rail cars and has it parked in a secure location. Every so often, he buys another Vega, restores it, and parks it in his Verti-Pac rail car. This ends with the Verti-Pac being donated

Sexist Camera Secretly Records Unsuspecting Owls In Public - Jezeowl

Suomi mainittu, pitäisikö torilla..

It’s fine, but if I was in charge I probably would have gone with turbocharging a Pontiac 400 instead of doing the LS swap. It would have made less power but at a certain point is that really a big concern?

Auto loan companies will regularly pull financing on vehicles. As an example, I now only purchase cars after I’ve been pre-approved, and get mailed the blank check to take to the dealership. And when you get those checks, there are limits of course as to what vehicles you can buy. First of course is age and mileage.

KPGC10 GT-R version go!

Wow...that was an awesome read. Bravo, Raph!

Bring Kamui back into F1! He didn’t always fly like a kite... Most of the time he was simply flying on the track punching way above the cars weight.