Fact Robot

On the other hand, Meghan McCain had a massive, public case of the grumpy dumpies over ordinary people getting a fraction of the care her father did, which incidentally was on taxpayers.

*extended wet farting sound*

90% chance it’s because South Korea, who actually know what they’re doing in this glacial and complicated process, low-key asked the State Department to fuck off.

Isn’t this the plot of one of the movies in the Wolfenstein games?

A lot of people mistake him having to appease New Dealers in congress with he himself being a liberal.

It’s not a conservative event, it’s supposed to be bipartisan (and IIRC it’s nominally centrist) which is why last year featured a bunch of Pod Save America bros but also white supremacists like Katie Hopkins.

A lot of HillaryFolk turn up at it because it’s nominally bipartisan.

Because it’s the only way lanyards can achieve climax without means testing someone.

They’re ‘re-imagining’ Crazy Jane to be more like Harley Quinn, so you tell me how likely we are to see Danny.

It makes a lot of sense really- your average movie exec or hollywood journalist is actually pretty socially and economically conservative, and assumes that they’re substantially to the left of middle America.

This is why those fringe cases who want civil partnerships for all actually have a point.

Um, what exactly is wrong or stupid about that symbolic motion? The jocular tone near the end? Grow the fuck up and stop whining about MAH TAXES.

To be fair, there is mounting dissatisfaction with Democratic leadership after how badly they’ve dropped the ball for the last ten years. Between that and the Dems likely retaking the house (even if they don’t get their shit together) it’s newsworthy.

I dunno man, you’re the one getting all up on because people like a funny podcast. You should choom and listen to a couple episodes. Loosen up.

Doesn’t matter, man. Chapo is good and for everyone.

I dunno what that means but Chapo’s a good pod. You should listen.

Chapo’s good tho

Nah, Chapo is good.

I would argue that, in this case, not stealing is actually immoral and stupid.

Because Chapo is real, and strong, and our friend.