Fact Robot

prefer a cupcake and a candybar

That’s actually pretty funny though

The secret ingredient is prune.

Well to be fair, he was one of (if not the) least consequential or important two-term presidents in US History. At the very least he could... y’know, do something to try and make up for his eight years of fuckups.

1000 Seats.

Well, yes, a stupid person might think that. Particularly if they were ignorant and hadn’t paid attention to the pattern of radical capitulation to the Trump agenda by the Democrats on a vote by vote basis.

Segal had a US reality show as recently as 2014, which IIRC largely revolved around him terrorizing black and hispanic people. But yeah, uh, he’s not a distinctly American creep. It’s alllllll russia.

DID YOU KNOW??? Kenneth from 30 Rock was an ageless immortal monster?

Even the Democrats wanted to roast him for being Jewish, or the wrong kind of Jewish, they never could decide on which because they realized how many secular Jewish people hold up the party.

It’s also a truth liberals and leftists are told not to say because it gets way too close to bringing up Hillary’s involvement and reopening the 2016 election wound.

They’re called The Dirtbag Left because Frost and Biederman repeatedly used that term when they got press, and they regularly amplify the voices of women and people of color.

but that is funny tho

IIRC Felix came up with the name on the fly and it was only supposed to be for the first episode. His idea was that it’d sound like a really bad soundcloud rapper’s mixtape. It’s the kinda joke you make when you’re stoned.

They are, actually. In fact, agriculture in the NCR is reliant on post-war vehicles based on pre-war designs, according to to Fallout 2's description of the NCR capital in Shady Sands.

While that’s true graphically, I think where they’re missing a step is that there are tonal and gameplay differences in the 0/Kiwami games as well as updated content that isn’t in 3-5. There are even running threads like Kiryu’s friendship with the Pocket Circuit fighter and the kids that it’d be weird if they dropped.

Are they still doing that? Shit. I was hoping they’d opt for at least a Kiwami 3 rather than keep on keeping on with ports. Bleh.

Kiwami 2 apparently picks up on a lot of stuff plot-wise and gameplay-wise from 0. So now there’s 0's hostess club minigame and a side story dedicated to giving more closure to Majima and Makoto.

I think that’s giving them too much credit, and that the more likely scenario is that rather than being dumb oblivious and casually biogted white bros they’re just actively evil people who know what they’re doing.

Yeah but collusion with an outside power isn’t necessarily a huge deal in and of itself. The Clinton campaign sought oppo from Ukrainian nationalists who are arguably tied to Nazis and the *Bill* Clinton campaign both sought and secured financial support from China back in ‘96 that is arguably worse than anything

He had chronic debt from failed businesses and was, by his own admission, terrible with money. That’s not a story. That’s a dead man being shitty with money.