
@Meredith Woerner: Who are you to determine what is humor and what is being a jerk. We need another forum netcop here like D.C. needs more GWB.

@Meredith Woerner: Yeah, we all love to do that, Hollywood and it's M.O. have infected us all. But far too many people claim to be writers and never submit a story to anyone. They should just be readers and that's what Ellison said too.

@Skarl: Thanks for not writing, leave it to the pro's. Everyone f'n claims to be a writer or some other creative. Just sit back and be a reader & consumer. You'll be happier too, trust me.

Shaky cam is and was and will always be THE MOST retarded film concept ever. And we have Ridley Scott to thank for it as a "Hollywood" technique. It's just fucking stupid and annoying.

Mass, time, and length sum up the awesomeness of those lucky enough to have sex with me, too.

@irfan: I was imaging him doing this with ten employees, thus cutting working time and raising profits. I forgot you can't read minds.

@sugardeath: You must be pretty young to not "get" what I'm really joking about, so I forgive your uninformed & over zealously premature use of the word stupid.

What an amazing thing, this guy is well on his way to mega-rich. Good job.

@Knowitallguytherevenge: Oh, click through to the You Tube comments, LOL - "Clean up runway 7 ..wet spot"

@Knowitallguytherevenge: Oh, we used to make fun of pilots and point out that the USAF trained Chimps to fly jets. LOLz. True story, Matthew Broderick can confirm it.

That is the best eye-rape on the internet. Well done honey. Now someone kick that fighter-donkey in the nuts.

@Devryn: Yah, I noticed that too. Fucking fighter pilot dopes always getting the chicks. I used to regularly spar with a fighter pilot back in the day it was fun to punch and kick him around.

@dinniedraco: Lets be even more real here ok, the French are lazy turds who don't deserve the internet. Actually Italians too, except for Monica Bellucci, she can have anything she wants.

You know it's funny, but the Russians are very very interested in planetary defense against asteroids and comets and the US has snubbed every attempt to make it happen.

@EvilDroidClone: So does this horrid insects venom kill the mouse, or just paralyze the poor thing. You know, eaten alive and can't move? Is the venom necrotic or toxic?

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Nothing can top Mansquito! But what would this Syfy hunk of crap movie be called?

@petz: Since the reactor melt down they do have detectors.

This long term blowback from Russia's massive world killing fuck up is grounds for their total annihilation. It makes the oil spill look tiny, I think.

No wonder Caesar wins, all we've got standing between him and world domination is that idiot Franco. The guys in love with a Japanese pillow for christsakes!