
@Asen: I get what you're saying. So let me share this. State sponsored religion, honor killing, and beheading in the penal code are all Middle Eastern traits. So the US horror stories would pale in comparison.

I wonder, would the Enterprise be able to defeat the Galactica? Or has this already been determined?

@SpammerOvTheGods: But you're proud to tell others to go fight in your place? And those that hate the Western world are far more than 99.9%

@TendoMentis: Been nice chatting with you on the subject. Thanks.

@TendoMentis: Not really or at all, one mocks when it's also obvious that a belief is so outdated or wrong it doesn't deserve respect or consideration. So you mock it because it's ridiculous.

@crosis101: All religion is extreme, all religion is made up dogma and crap. It's a sum culmination of human/animal fear, control, and coalition dynamic thinking blended into a personality control system via rigorous early life indoctrination and fear of the unknown. And that was figured out over 10K yrs ago. It's

@TendoMentis: Your humble approach leaves no room for the bravery required in both thought and in action to make bold new discoveries. But it's also ok to be that way since some lead, discover and utilize what is at hand. Others just follow.

@TendoMentis: Socrates didn't have QED, LHC, Cern, Quantum Dynamics, telescopes in space, super computers, Feynman, Einstein, Hubble, Bohr, or Werner Heisenberg. So we know something, just not everything. Again, you try to make room for a God where science doesn't need him, it, or anything similar. I sense a fear

@TendoMentis: The ancient Greeks used bashing and name calling and logical discourse and argument to settle disputes. If it worked for them...

@crosis101: You sound level headed and polite, the people pushing Intelligent Design and Creationism are most decidedly not. And they are affecting our nation, schools, education, politics and they spread the belief that Science is scam - and it's not. So it's a battle against ignorance and the snuffing out of the

@Asen: No really, I've had some family work from one end of the middle east to the other and Muslim Africa. These nations are completely totalitarian (Egypt not so much) and fully socialized, and I do mean fully. People live on the dole womb to tomb and the religion is State sponsored. I kid you not, it's pure

@TendoMentis: Hold the phone there buddy, that's just kidding around, but a hallmark of religious folks is no sense of humor about God or Jesus. He's actually a zombie not a vampire, my bad. It was not a personal attack at all but I can see where the joke might seem that way. Please, let's continue talking if it's

@crosis101: Ok, don't get me wrong here it's not personal, but that is utter bullshit creationism, ID, whatever, and it's illegal to teach that shit in our nations schools. Thank god :p

@reddingofish: Boobs, a must. Salma Hayek should be in this movie.

@TendoMentis: The approach is superior because it promotes inquiry and is fluid. (like I said.) That's science. Again, you voice a fear of being superior, and in the real world where brave inquiry and decisions are needed someone and something must be superior to something else. No room for PC here.

@TendoMentis: A system of belief that is fluid and is based on inquiry is actually superior to one that is not. Do you see?

@TendoMentis: Man, get off your "feeling superior" kick, it's stupid and illogical enough already. It's not about feeling superior. It's about being superior :)