
Max Headroom, that was when the gay agenda started taking over and endangering our entire nation.

@jmd1513: No one is getting that point, which would be my point, but I get your point and it's a valid point.

@Fooly: amen! Let it go away.

@pr0faiin: Well said, you're correct.

I think everyone else has summed it up, wonderful and I might add an important idea that is timely and educational. But really that photoshop use is just terrible. Terrible to the point of killing the artists point. Love the idea, hate the execution. Hope he brushes up the PS skillz and gives us a redo in the

They make all this crap too damn frigg'n small. Phones, this dumb thing, new kindle, that B&N thing. I have man sized hands, my thumb alone is over three inches long. Stop making all this gadgetry for the hands of Chinese girls.

The only thing I even remotely thought I liked about the Kindle was that it eventually had a large screen. This is fail on all sides, uggh.

The Reds made an amazing killer satellite years ago, it was straight out of an SF story. They also crossbred primates with humans to make a super-solider. No really...

@josephd: Sunday is Miller time!

@Masai Andrews: I want something like this that is super quiet and blasts air like turbo fan.

So where does the bible fit in all of this? ...OH, it doesn't. But seriously, I'm all for discoveries that pose no immediate threat, are really super frigg'n interesting and could be the plot to the next Bruckhimer (sp?) trash movie spectacle.

@bluebottle: Not disproved, probably more valid than ever. Oh wait, god created the world in 7 days! (nyuck)

@phamm: Yeah, in America we'd have just covered them up. Repression is a singularly American preoccupation. The deeper the better, & no catharsis allowed, thank you, it's time to eat donuts and watch Springer. What a sad place mass media and Madison Ave have made the USA into.

@Strider-No.9: Sadly, I can remember a happy time in the pre-AIDs world when the USA wasn't so prudish. At least not in our major population centers anyway.

@kozi: It warms my heart to read you saying that.

@214w: I loved Megazone 23 (and some of the sequels, 2 was pretty damn good.)