
No. No we don’t.

Link please?

Jimmy Haslam is interested in your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

And Muslims. Or at least non-Christians from Muslim countries where he doesn’t own properties.

Is there any other kind?

By god, he’s right! It’s the one issue upon which Straight Male Democrats, Straight Male Republicans, Lesbians and Bisexuals can all agree!

I know I’m giving him too much benefit of the doubt, but I have to think Simon Pegg was utterly broken by the studio exec ‘notes’ process.

Maybe by the film’s eventual 2046 release, there will be a nostalgia factor.

“Look away, child! We’re going to a better place...”

I’ve always liked black, white and purple. Perhaps they also need a change of scenery. I hear Bawlmer is a nice city

When you secretly believe your team is the New New Browns, you cling to every potentially-positive bit of news like a drowning man clings to a stick. Give the man his delusion for now. The cold reality of Mitch Trubisky, Starting Quarterback will be upon him soon enough.

Free Hat Day in 2013 was pretty decent. Still have that hat.

Japan used to have a system whereby an emperor (who, by dint of his position, had a large number of formal and ceremonial roles) would abdicate early in their reign to a young son. The retired emperor would formally enter a Buddhist monastery, but retain substantive power, essentially governing from the monastery

Poisoning by polonium, then exile to gulag if that doesn’t work.

Alternative Theory: “Rich People Craigslist” is just like normal Craigslist, and this is a scam.

I faked my own death after Resident Evil 3. Mostly because I didn’t want anyone going forward knowing that I had paid $7 to see RE3.


I get the utility, in a theoretical social-communications scheme filled with rational actors. And I (generally) send my informal read receipt to any text to which I’m not immediately going to give a substantive response (“Saw your text. Will talk later.”)

Is he talking about the original Omen or the 2006 remake? Because I will go to the wall for Lee Remick!’s always tough to know when to stop in a puff piece about an athlete. She’s off to an incredible start and may end up as one of the all-time greats. No need to gild the lily by pretending she’s also up for sainthood. Ty Cobb, Kobe Bryant, etc.