Being maligned by a juvenile nothing for being something doesn’t have the sting you think it does.
Being maligned by a juvenile nothing for being something doesn’t have the sting you think it does.
That amounts to revisionist history. Sanders knew the nature of the primary he’d be running in, super-delegates and all. And if he didn’t, he should have, as his campaign manager Tad Devine helped craft the super-delegate system in the first place. And then when he was clearly losing he went from decrying those…
Eat shit, recognitions. Eat shit and choke on it.
Yep, that pioneering LGBTQ icon sure had it coming, didn’t she?
But I think their influence gets oversold by whiny centrist Dems.
Pretending that progressives somehow brought on opposition by demanding consequences for people who are otherwise on their side is nonsense.
Oh, good, very nice, Charlene Yi isn’t calling for someone who has not even a single accusation of abusive behavior against him to never work again.
But Teigen has yet to apologize for her actions.
“I reinvented the electric car...”
Yep, everything good about Wawa has been expired and replaced with new generic corporate items. Are you like me and can remember “the good old days?” When they had a variety of sides like Beef Stew, Homestyle Chicken & Noodles, Mac & Beef? Now they just have 5 variants of Mac & Cheese all flavored with different…
Those clearly are not Scheinhardts.
its like a cw show
It’s all fun and games until Martin announces an unwritten sequel to Fire & Blood to be released “eventually.”
He’s definitely got some kind of “albino xenomorph” thing going on. Or am I the only one seeing that?
Damon, fighter of the Nytmon, in the all-Jamaican adaptation of the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia play?
It’s also worth pointing out that the women-produced series with a woman as the lead character got dumped for another men-produced series with multiple men in leading roles.
So the Velaryons were the Targaryens’ “black friends?”
But unlike WandaVision, we’ve got rumors of Loki season 2 already filming...
Tell us how you really feel about race, Karen!