Knope Grope is Last Hope

“A Democratic president shouldn’t try to enact Democratic policies that have broad national support because not every state is majority Democratic” just doesn’t make sense in any manner.

It’s hilarious that you’re so butt-sore over being proved wrong about how national polls compare to actual real-world politics that you’re going to turn into an even bigger whiney diaper baby than usual in order to cry about it. It’s the same thing as with “Defund police.” It would harm you NOT AT ALL to admit being

BuriedAliveOpener is literally trying to dismiss the existence of red states at this point. 

Go on then, show your ignorance even more. 

67% of the American population is NOT distributed equally among the states. Again, your argument relies on willful obtuseness to articulate. If that 33% who don’t support the policy control 25 red states with 2 Senators each, then it’s a big No Go for your precious majority-supported policy no matter what. 

It’s open acknowledgment that Republicans in Congress will do everything in their power to prevent any legislation from passing.

because they conflate majority approval in national polls with majority approval in the electoral units that matter; individual states and Congressional districts

Basic research? Imagine that...

Democrats specialize in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Yep. This is some literal “Tea Party of the Left” nonsense going on right here, except “The Squad” doesn’t carry around pocket versions of the Constitution they’re ignoring like the right-wing version did. 

A very typical Keyboard Warrior response. Your contribution is “Bitch about Obama online” and that’s it. Expect everyone else to do the hard work, not you.

Sadly it’s more important for some to win the argument of “Defund the police’ is NOT a bad slogan” than it is to win office and reform the police.

Can you binge it? Assuming you’ve got Epix

“You said something I didn’t like about abuse, so my response is to verbally abuse you for it and also accuse you of being an abuser.” The irony...

Exactly. Now I’m getting swarmed by the “Don’t be a victim blamer” squad, who seem hell-bent on ignoring the fact that Shia LaBeouf is not an unknown quantity. He has a public record available to anyone with the common sense to look him up first.

That despite having money, fame, and a strong support system, she still ended up in an abusive relationship.

“Instant analcysts on the news of the day”

This info about the Timekeepers me wonder if we’ll see any connection between the Loki series and the third Ant-Man movie now that Kang the Conqueror has been cast. The major common thread among most of the new series is their major interconnectivity with other properties.

God, so much whinging from people here. “Ermagerd, capitalism is ruining my nerdhood.” Bitches, everything you’ve ever watched, read, or listened to was a capitalist endeavor. Eat shit with this whole purity routine you’re trying to set up around yourselves.