Knope Grope is Last Hope

LOL at the three-home-owning millionaire socialist being portrayed as not a hypocrite. Do you even realize how much shady money he funneled through his two presidential campaigns, and how many times he was dinged by the FEC for campaign contribution violations? Educate yourself, perhaps. Bernie conned your dumb asses

Blue Wave was Progressive lead

Wow, an Esther Wang hot take that Both-Sides-ism is bad?

If Community really wanted to be honest, nearly every episode with Pierce in it would have to be removed. A TON of that character’s “jokes” were just regurgitated racism, straight up.

Are you implying that some people are buying games just to get access to the tattoos that one particular character has on his body? Because that argument is such a stretch it should be nicknamed “Elasti-Girl.”

Bear down for midterms!

LOL Those suburban women you shit on are what delivered us the House in 2018. Remember? It was the Blue Wave that happened with zero support from the Dirtbag Left. The same Blue Wave that left Bernie-endorsed candidates losing by ridiculous margins. 70-some candidates endorsed, and maybe 6 won? And you’re the future

It must burn that a black liberal succeeded where a white bigoted “progressive” failed, huh? Choke on your hate, Klan-Lite.

Sorry (not sorry!) that your particular strain of misogynistic and racist “progressivism” isn’t gaining traction with voters who don’t think Twitter is the be-all-end-all of the universe. How’d Bernie do the second time around? Worst than the first? Yeah.

“Shut it down. Dealbreaker!”

The charges reflect the danger Hankison posed to Taylor’s neighbors.

And right on schedule, there’s the smug. The fallback position of White Privilege Progressivism everywhere.

and you care about how politics affects actual people

When you’re citing a right-wing-adjacent publication like Politico for your anti-Democratic rant, you’ve become part of the problem, not the solution.

My theory is that the only people going to see Tenet at this point have already seen it and they’re trying to hear the rest of the plot that they missed the first time because Christopher Nolan has no respect for proper audio mixing. 

Jen and Brad were cute but Shia LaBeouf’s...

There’s a reason why the Ellen story is being covered by every publication’s resident gossip-monger and not a real journalist, and that reason is because nothing about this situation is genuinely newsworthy. It’s just more bitter commentary from already-bitter people.

Ha. Reading this article was worth it just to see you shutting the fuck up for once. 

Why can’t the democrat’s field a candidate from the plethora of choices currently in their party who represent and speak for a much larger portion of their base.

Welcome to the AV Club.