Biden’s climbing the polls again and Krueger isn’t handling it well at all.
Biden’s climbing the polls again and Krueger isn’t handling it well at all.
Spoiler alert: You’re not the base.
This blog is nothing but Krueger’s coping mechanism for Biden rising in the polls again.
Biden’s back up in the polls, Harris is plummeting, and Warren is two more weeks from stealing 2nd place from Bernie Sanders.
Is Splinter getting some kind of bulk rate on white Millennial authors? I mean, these are the same folks who claim that minority support for Sanders and militant progressivism is higher than reported (just believe them, those polls and facts are all lying to you!), but you can’t find a single non-white author to come…
Single-payer healthcare failed in Vermont as recently as 2014. But you were saying something about no recent examples? Do go on!
who let this happen.
HAHAHA! Keep proving my point for me, RWNJ-wannabe.
They hate everything.
On behalf of the Splinter comment section, the feeling is completely mutual.
The mistake the GOP made was putting their version of people like you in charge.
Splinter just needed a convenient target for this week’s first Two Minutes Hate against Democrats, that’s all.
And you’re somehow genuinely baffled why Democrats don’t want to work with people like you? With rhetoric like yours?
When “no one” wants to work with you, maybe stop to consider that you’re the only common denominator?
The Dems picked up 41 seats. It seems foolish to ignore that result.
This is the white-centric administration that you leftists wanted and enabled. Is it not what you expected? Well, we did warn you...
The thing about Seth Abramson that people seem desperate to ignore or forget is his origin at Huffington Post as “H.A. Goodman Lite.” He was among the crew of “leftist” writers who somehow thought that Hillary Clinton would be worse than what we have currently.
Careful now... Last time Libby got ratio’d like this, Splinter unfriended everyone.
Number of bills passed via Twitter: still zero.
Every day I hate Pelosi more and more.