
OK, maybe I do nor want that, since I am all for a “free” press, and journalists should have an antagonistic relationship with government, but that really isn’t”free.” Fox News is bought and paid-for by the Republican Party.

Well the U.S. is partly to blame because what helped our right wing fear mongers to power was the wave of refugees who in large part were escaping U.S. wars. And there were lot a refugees, many countries, including Finland, took in more individually than the U.S. does in total even before Trump lowered the quota even

Has anyone ever seen the movie Idiocracy? It's like that with no smart Joe. 

Dumb as a rock? Lazy as hell? Are we sure Trump isn’t talking about himself?

My dog is less reactionary during a thunderstorm than this fucking twit could ever be on Twitter.

“I was elected to lead. Not to read.”

I recall that as well. And Alan Dershowitz was named by a victim.

What her tweets read like:

That's my thinking as well. What we do know is already really bad, but it seems like there is something so much worse just under the surface. Listening to the stuff about Jeffrey Epstein has me wondering....

I’m sure the GOP will get right on this. Thank God the tough on crime party controls the Senate and will clearly convict Trump for such obvious crimes.

1. Fuck Mike Huckabee

These fools are like the bad guys in a kung fu movie, stepping up one by one to get knocked the fuck out.

What is wrong with him? Everything!

Meghan, you irresponsible dumbass - DiCaprio’s carbon footprint is NOT the problem. It’s dumbasses like you who want to continue to “easy way out” it with your idiotic clinging to fossil fuel for profit. Meanwhile the potential for job creation and perhaps a planet to leave your children is literally at risk. So

Her father must be rolling over in his grave.