
But the relationship between Fox and Trump is disgustingly and shamelessly close. Have you seen the video of Pirro and Dobbs wetting themselves over Trump’s N. Korea peace talks? My only question is: who leaves the money on the table after the deed is done?

That would be an interesting thing to see, as an experiment. I could already imagine Fox News losing their shit over this, claiming an attack on the press, violation of their first amendment right, a threat to democracy, and so forth. All the things they should have be doing for the last two years. I would bet good

Why can’t your typical Fox News viewer put two and two together? That the yapping heads on tv are paid by the political organization that they constantly praise, defend, and promote. That they’re simply trying (and succeeding) to manipulate one’s thoughts for their financial benefit. Btw, it was a rhetorical question. 

It must be nice to be part of whatever class is above “normal” citizen in this country. You all sorts of benefits that are not available to the everyday folks. And if the officer did nothing wrong, why was he still reprimanded? When it comes to certain individuals accused of a crime, everything is downgraded several

God yes. Saw it long before this shitty sequel of that movie that we are currently living. I thought to myself when I first watched Idiocracy that we had plenty of time before we devolve into the mess that occurs in that movie. I hate being wrong most of the time.

Lazy? I bet Trump is yet again at one of his golf courses for the weekend.

When I first read Trump’s tweet proclaiming himself exonerated, I chuckled and thought to myself, “that’s cute, he’s so far gone into his delusions that he can’t see what this really means.” Or it may be that Trump is simply trying to willfully misinterpret the obvious implications of the court filings so to give the

He can read but not well. He lies constantly and contradicts himself only because he has realized that nothing he does or says really matters with a full republican controlled government somewhere in the background plundering and dismantling away at the ready to not reprimand this oaf adequately.

How in the world did that happened to you guys? Isn’t the US an example of what happens when you listen to the extreme right fear mongers and elect a moronic conman to highest position of power?

I would pay good money see someone in the Trump administration of my choosing -so many to choose from!-to get this treatment in a WWE event. I know Trump has been a participant in a WWE event (how depressing is that? He’s now the president), maybe he has the connection to get this done.

There was a story I read far back a bit before the 2016 election about Trump and Trump’s friend Epstein going to Epstein’s special parties.

So I guess this is the new norm in this Trump-era country. 

I would like to suggest that people who are hell bent on arguing against doing something about climate change and stall the conversation pointlessly by pointing at one person’s actions to dismiss what policies they would implement to address climate on a national level are essentially a threat to people on many

Holy shit! He looks like a goomba from the terrible live-action Super Mario Bros. movie. 

I’m also glad that the party of family values prevented a lecherous, serial cheater from ever getting close to becoming president, let alone actually becoming president...

Whenever I see Mike Huckabee, I imagine his daughter with a typically male haircut. Whenever I see Sarah Huckabee, I imagine her dad with a wig. I also think of dogs when either of these two(?) are mentioned for some reason.

ooh wee, that’s our stupid president! I feel this needs to be a sitcom. Cancel this reality version of it, it’s too depressing and terrifying.

I didn’t realize the left consisted solely of celebrities and not, I don’t know, a fuck ton of non-celebrities that are also very concerned about the state of the planet.

I was thinking the same thing. That the first Global War on Terror started in the Reagan era contributed to people fleeing their home countries to escape murderous dictators and death squads.

You might have faced off with me on those bidding wars on Ebay, it took me about five tries to win a box set.