The Knitigator

Settle down

Technically he can tell himself whatever he wants, being that he’s a petulant man-baby and they probably assured him that the White House would be renamed “Trump’s Super Awesome Bigly Tremendous Mansion”

That’s what I was thinking. They did this to try and conceal their identity.

Nobody said women weren’t capable of misogyny, sweetie

I really liked the difficulty slider in Oblivion.

However, the distance that earwax must travel to make it into your mouth is significantly less than the distance a beverage must travel through a straw, thereby shortening the reaction time.

I stopped reading when you referred to a woman as a “female.” Cut that shit out.

Right, and it’s reeeeeeally easy for the cops to get a sample of your DNA if they want one. All that hair you throw away in the trash; straws; cigarettes; used hygiene products; unless you’re incinerating every little bit of DNA that comes off of your body and into the garbage, they can get it.

I believe the word you are looking for is “heaps of garbage.”

I guess I’m thinking of the back-to-back Broodals battles. Well, there is absolutely no shame in using assist mode.

I beat this without it (only barely), but now I own the Wedding Peach amiibo, so I will. break. the fuck. out of this level, forever, from now on.

Nailed it. I only play single player nowadays. The online community for pretty much every game is foul.

If you’re playing video games and enjoying them in any way, shape, or form, you’re doing it right. Under no circumstances should video games stress you out or make you feel not good enough. That’s what your job is for.

Exactly, I’m a goddamn adult with a job and a social life and responsibilities. If I can’t pwn at a video game, I am NOT a failure.

ZL, Y, ZL. Just practice hitting them in quick succession with the game off, then turn it on and try. I don’t think about what each of the buttons actually does, and I think that’s the key to me being able to do it.

Speak for yourself. It’s boxer shorts and cowboy hats all the way. Chippendales Mario is the best Mario.

Enjoy your salmonella

Can confirm, my mother made vegetarian cornbread stuffing for years by swapping out vegetable broth for the chicken broth and all racist, gun-waving, masculinity-so-fragile-it-can’t-stand-not-eating-meat uncles were none the wiser

Your logical fallacy is: false equivalency.

Maybe because they’ve been fired and locked out of all of that information? Or maybe because they don’t have access to the comparative information of other employees who may have had similar performance but less propensity (or boldness) to join a union?