
I know “WOOKIMART” is Woo Kim Art but I can’t help reading it as WookieMart and wondering about where Chewy gets his groceries.

Oracle of Ages and Seasons are two of the best games in the series, but it feels like not enough people have actually played through them.

The problem with your attitude is that it can be an excuse to shut down ideas you don’t agree with under the label of racism.

It’s one thing to be a conservative.

If you do believe all those things, you’re sadly misinformed.

What’s more scary to me than his political opinions is that people are acting like we just discovered he’s a pedophile or something. Why exactly is it so horrible to be a conservative? Silicon Valley in particular takes this hatred of conservatives to a new level. They basically openly discriminate against people

Calling someone a slimy bigot sure is easier than addressing different ideas, isn’t it?

This is an absolute myth. I say this as both a patent, copyright, and trademark holder, and as a professional game dev. Plenty of companies (including in the gaming industry) thrive off of their fan communities’ efforts with projects like these. Square is in no danger of losing their FF patent from the myriad fan

Soooo, we still don’t know the reason behind the button layout. We just know that they used to use something different, and then, POOF, six buttons.

So there’s no trace whatsoever? Even if we can’t see each other, it would be nice to see some kind of a sign, that the other player is there. Something like the signs you leave in Dark Souls games.

I think that’s an excellent argument for “shooting shouldn’t be in the Olympics”, not really for “gaming should be in the Olympics”.

I have always had a hard time getting on board with mega-popular trends like this. Part if me wants desperately to be a part of the rest of the world, but a larger piece is repelled by the very notion. Pokémon Go has been a gleaming reminder of why I get worried when everyone starts talking about the same new thing.

It’s really sad how vile and abrasive some of the comments towards them are. What if they’re telling the truth? They they all just look like assholes. It’s a damn game why do people take this all so personally? Sad times we live in.... people get more up about a digital space than reality.

I still feel like the tunic should be green... But this is a very lovely figure. I already have a Twilight Princess Link though and I couldn’t justify that much for a statue. Unless the 18" Normandy sculpture ever gets a second run. I’d drop the $300 CAD for that easy. Sadly they run more like $1000+ from scalpers...

Nintendo has already thoroughly confirmed that he is definitely a he for all the insane doubters that are still out there who don’t have an understanding of basic anatomy.

Don’t start THAT again

I don’t understand the silly notion that ALL female characters in EVERYthing have to be “strong female characters”, whatever the heck that’s supposed to mean. She exists in the story to further the conflict between Batman and the Joker? yes. Because this is a story about the conflict between the Batman and the Joker.

Says a distasteful thing in their lifetime, obviously a terrible human being and lower than dirt.

I don’t see how you can translate The Killing Joke into a Batgirl story since any way you look at it she’s going to spend the last act off-screen in a hospital bed.