
Cool story but why would you try that? Just... why? Agree with the oversensitive to germs thing.

I would like to add this SOBERING thought.

How do you know it's not a police drone? What do police drones look like? Does the short range discount it from police use? Couldn't the police be nearby to operate it? It's not like military drone use.

Guessing by the softness of his shadow, I would say it's overcast.

Great, except they take away 90% of the reason I would wear sunglasses. Which is looking cool!

Yes, except without a gun or coercion or using force of any kind, so it's more like going up to a teller, asking them for 1.5 million and them giving it to you. It's the threat of force that makes it robbery.

I'm going to try that next time I'm at the Wynn!

What do you mean most? Not most Las Vegas ATMs. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong...

I agree with those stating that the bank is at fault for giving him the money. He asked for the money. They (choosing to be represented by a machine) gave it to him. I would say he overdrew his account by a significant sum. But that isn't theft. That is VERY poor judgement, a clear gambling addiction, and probably a

Technically, they are telling them what NOT to do. And they do ALREADY tell you what not to do. The list is quite long.

Something wrong with the elevator?

I, for one, am getting really sick of passwords. Come on designer figure outer peeps, figure something out! I don't want to memorize or invent any more ludicrous passwords!

I don't care what they figure out. But we working professionals need something to bang stuff out on. If that's a series of interlocking mac minis via thunderbolt, then okay by me.

Indeed. Maya would be nice, but you can't really beat building that for PC. I got this with the idea of attaching an IO box to the thunderbolt from Black Magic. Which would then allow me to connect a pro monitor. Sending out uncompressed 8 or 10 bit (over dual SDI) And then calibrate it correctly. The graphics card is

I think they may be heading towards external processors in general. You can just keep adding on cores with thunderbolt. Why not?

Plus he has a 1.5 terabyte HD as well. Just saying he indicated that above. Not that I'd buy that over my i7 iMac. Which came with the 27" LED screen. And thunderbolt port for LIGHTNING (KraCK-oW) fast perifs! And cost just about the same.


No. Couldn't do it.

That's a bit to much. She was going into emotional overload. She might have exploded or something.