

Most tough guys I know are really nice. Until they get angry. Then...

Just because there are trained "professionals" whose job it is to track down people who've done something to you after the fact. Doesn't mean you shouldn't have the right to defend yourself in the first place. And no, I'm not condoning 17 year olds having shoot outs with Grandmothers. And you can always say its "not

Anon a moose.

Seems to be legally on the edge. Imagine using that logic on a date. During dinner, you have to decide whether to sleep with me now, because once we get back to the apartment, I'll be all riled up and have invested all this money etc...

Ha Ha. They should've done that with the 80 year old lady. Oh are you chilly? no, thank you young man i'm.... (shove) HOW BOUT NOW!!!! HAHAHAHAH

True. But I think Japanese cuisine tends toward thinner sauces and soups.

Ummmm I'm pretty sure she was trying to NOT go out of the plane. At all. Ever... Just my take.

Wait...... WTF!!!! If you don't want to go out the door at the last second they force you?!!???!??!?!?

The user should sue NBC for copy write infringement. In some excessive amount. Just like they sue regular people.

Yes. I can say without knowing anything else about this story. It is possible.

I have a star. And I don't know why. One day it was there. And it didn't go away. Perhaps a man will come. And this man will have the ability to print stars on some of us with a machine. And maybe he will be able to take them away. Then we can flip flop between star people and non star people. And no one will remember

Truer than you know! I work for a station that is testing out these backpacks that basically have several cell phone transmitters and cards in them. And they can send out an HD stream from basically anywhere the reporter can get cell phone reception. They are smart enough to eliminate the signals and stitch the

That exists now!

Clearly we do not properly reward investigative journalism here.

Adding 50% of any value is always too much more.

Disagree on your last two lines. The broadcast environment is too large to accept such a blanket statement. As I would not suggest a DSLR for shooting any live or live to tape show, (but possibly pre-edited packages) I also don't think traditional ENG or EFP cameras suite today's low to mid budget commercial

In a hundred years there won't be war or famine and the need to tell time will have vanished along with disease and poverty and the human race.

"But most companies don't pour mind boggling effort into a snobby award that looks like a tacky souvenir." Umm, maybe Gawker doesn't, but yah, that's pretty much the deal. That's better than the standard monogramed pen shit and generic plaque thingy available at Trophies R Us though. I guess it was a slow night.

Bored now.