
i was put through the same focus on the family cassettes. (there was a rap on one side right?? my mom mercifully let us skip that part)

ok then how about the freakin' quail's death? everybody talks about the mom and nobody remembers the horror of the quail's death.


I only think the babadook was ok. Was anyone else turned off once it got shlocky? The first have is tense and scary, then it goes full-camp mode. I wish someone had warned me..

amazing. now i'm laughing.

I have met way more women who love Legend of Zelda than men. I've always subconsciously thought of it as a girl game (the way Call of Duty is a boy game).

that feel when searching for the names of people you like hoping they didn't sign it.

i am notorious for this. in my defence, we KNOW the ending already (heros win. world is saved) so there's really no point. since the final dungeons and boss are usually insanely difficult, long and frustrating. sometimes you just don't feel like level grinding.

Am i the only one who thinks it's the MOM who is abusive? it seems obvious to me.

I was thinking the MOM was the abuser. it's too convenient for the boy to not specify it's his dad.

"it would have been comical if it weren't so gruesome"

wait what was sam's tattoo?

they're wealthy suburban types. they all have IUDs

i loved how it showed how much of a brat daryl is. he'd totally be that teen who sulks the entire family vacation while purposefully playing music way too loud so you can hear it through his headphones.

This episode passed the bechdel test and i'm so happy for that :D I wonder how many other people even noticed??

Birdman made me wish ebert was still around. he's still my go to read after i finish a movie. i always loved what he had to say, even if i didn't agree with it.


-sent from my iphone

what? why?? was that scene particularly amazing?