
"If I learn you ever once laid a finger on my mother's body, living or dead, I swear to God, I'll cut your throat! You hear me?"

haha of course, that's the problem. i just miss them, is all. miss that bonding time. like movies. some people can go to the movies alone, but i can't. it's about *togetherness*

I KNOW! none of my friends play videogames, it's a drag. i can't imagine how that'd even go at this age.

1. pewdiepie sucks, everyone agrees. but they're not ALL like that. the yogscast isn't. gamegrumps aren't.

and then drugging the pudding.

i feel like you're being sarcastic, which feels like that'd be conter-productive to rational deba— god i bored *myself* with that joke.

i feel like Lil Bub's owner and Grumpy Cat's owner are the Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell of the celeb-cat world.

i would so read that. even if it's a shitty tumblr post. i'd read the hell outta that.

oh my god i had no idea.

didn't he get addicted to heroin with his girlfriend Jennifer Connelly?

better than the love interest having a "heart shaped face"

i never noticed that but that's brilliant.

i like that song ;___;

they way s/he delivered that line was too perfect. i had to pause because i was laughing so hard.

God this show is IMPOSSIBLE to find!!

tbh, who WAS shaming them? wasn't the whole dialogue on how awful the hackers were?

also where whale rider rode her whale to. (should have stayed on that island, babe)

like that weird fly episode from breaking bad. also known as the worst episode of the series

And Rick's the father!!

when the priest showed up i said to my friends "ANOTHER black guy? the walking dead can't handle it!"