
Right, so the reason behind this is that the US has a visa waiver with most countries (which Europe is helpfully thinking of rescinding because our current Cheetolini keeps fucking up our own visa waivers for their citizens) and that stamp or ticket you get when entering most of those countries is for — wait for it — n

I think the previous business model was to show Zack Snyder a comic book. Then give him some cheese before bedtime, and film his nightmares.

“when asked if the next actor to play James Bond could be a woman or person of color.” Really, that’s the question you had to ask about James Bond movies. Do you think your obsession with the diversity issue to the exclusion of all else is approaching an umhealthy monomania?

For some reason the way you typed that out made me think Michael Lambert from Highlander was narrating it, but I haven’t watched the video yet. That would be awesome. Just end it w/ the signature “heh heh heh” Lambert laugh.....

Did you not enjoy Monsters, Inc.?! You monster.

As to the update from Ubi - insensitive content? In a game where you brutally hack each other’s limbs off, blood gushes everywhere, and the main appeal of the game is the never ending total war and conflict brewing in their world? In...sensitive content?

“this is RIDICULOUS, Ubi! Why can’t they grab my heaving tits before I disembowel them! Kink RUINED!”

Surely you realize that in taking this action you are also saying “fuck the little people”. What do you think creators are? Most of them are little people doing valuable things that no one else will pay them to do.

I’m willing to give them another strike. This was, to the best of my knowledge, their first really big misstep.

Yeah, why leave room for the possibility that people and corporations make mistakes? All mistakes should instantly be punished with corporate death - that’ll certainly encourage other innovators to step into the space and meet your not-at-all shrill, petulant demands.

Company tries to streamline something. Goes over poorly. CEO apologizes and they don’t move forward with the program. The “fuck the little people, go corporate” is your injecting something into the roll-out that I didn’t see as the motive, so that is your bias.

I laughed at the Switch and awaited its failure, going so far as to call it Nintendo’s nail in the coffin. I was sure we’d see a PS4 of Xbox Zelda within a few years as Nintendo left the hardware business to focus on developing.


Yeah, but if you criminalize all lightsabers, then the only ones that will have them will be the criminals, because they, like, you know, defy laws to begin with.

Good to know! I never finished LO and was considering giving it a shot on XB1.

Lots of people say that you can dust off your console, and you’re not wrong. The improvements are at least noticeable, especially if you like a game like Lost Odyssey which was a great game, but was poorly optimized for UE3. It regularly dipped into 15fps on 360. Even on Regular Xbone, it runs at a nearly flawless 30.

.hack has always been kind of a cult niche franchise that’s always deserved more attention than it’s received, not just from news sites but in general.

I hate that you don’t make these new articles with each update. It renders commenting useless. Looking still comments from may when it’s an August update is blah. It only gets worse as time goes on. How about “best 8 games as of may 2017.... best 12 games as of August 2017" and so on and so forth. Will anyone ever

I once went as Chad from Bleach to an anime convention. I didn’t dye my skin or tan, but some asshole decided to come up to me and say, “Are you Chad, bro?”

“Yeah!” I said smiling.