
About TMS#FE

Just want to say thanks Kotaku, for reminding me that there are gamers who aren’t complete pricks.

I really hope that if this does well, and with the fact Fate/ is having a good year, Arc and Type-Moon will team up again to give us another great fighting game.

Out of curiosity, is Too Human any good? It’s at my library, and I thought it looked intriguing...

Yo, how do I get into Jojo? Do I watch the anime, read the manga, or play Persona 4?

No, she’s not. The wind is billowing it out behind her, while her arms are crossed.

Bring it on, Phantom Theives. We are ready.



I kinda hope that they will make a single-player game with this. I really want another Bushido Blade, but this can do nicely.

How many HAVE succeeded? I’m just curious, because we only hear about the top fails...

You know what? That could be fun. I would actually be down for a Persona game taking place in the past.

Oh, what theme? Did it make the thing act like a Comp?

That’s the fastest way I’ve seen for a console to lose money.

Not if refunding it destroyed your save... Just saying.

They would probably do it the same way Steam does it: Game Time. I can actually play my Steam Games offline (I do a lot, because my only time to play games is in transit). So, if I buy a game, I get two hours with it before I can’t refund it. It’s not based on my clock, it’s based on the game’s clock.

Okay, what is your grading system? I don’t know many that have “N” at the top...

On two different systems! I’m still salty about not getting the Eternal Punishment PSP version. Looks way better than the original.

Look, at this point, I just want a film that is mildly good (about 47 Ronin ish quality), so that I can show my parents what FMA is about. They, for some reason, think that it is garbage. But, they refuse to watch the original or Brotherhood.