Could this actually be ... fun?
Could this actually be ... fun?
I was wrong!
His “origin story” in season 2 was awesome!!
Go comment on something on a website for tv reviews you fucking nerd. Oh, wait...
What do think about it now? I think season 2 improved things a lot!
I liked the grades...
“Tv Reviews” => “Categories” dropdown (which makes no sense), then select your show. Overview looks confusing though...
The allfather was mentioned! Will we get to see him?? The allfather and humperdoo storylines were my favourite in the comics.
Come on, at this stage it is simply the right thing to say for them!
I am surprised WB actually offered to push back the release. Deepest condolences to Snyder though! We are all eagerly awaiting Justice League and really want it to be good, but it is just a movie and matters nothing compared to real live.
Only that it's not Vin on that still.
I really really hope so…
If only they were so brave…
Agree, but show me a Marvel movie with a villain with a real motivation.
BvS biggest problem (IMHO) was that the tried to make two movies into one. So there was no time war character development Snyder had to rush to the next plot point. Now when I think of the fact that originally there were supposed to be two JL…
I think it's quite true what a certain someone wrote on antoher site: "I was very much looking forward to his full on Batman movie in large
part because I thought he might be one of the only directors WB could
hire that could force the studio to let their creative vision shine."
Indeed he could have been one of the few…
Did you - da di da - forget about them?
Did, did, did, did (you)?
Nobody mentions Simple Minds? Nobody??
Sorry, my mistake and bad english. What I meant was that I am not very optimistic that his return will be a cool scene/episode. I am not doubting that he will return.