
Okay, you're right. I am entitled to say "It's different so I don't like it.". It doesn't automatically make it bad.
I don't agree with your 2 cents about the comic, but that is another issue probablym not belonging here.

Let me guess: That happened after episode 3?

Did you write this playing Pokemon?

We don't even know if there is gonna be a show's version of Angelville.

I have to admit the appearance of Herr Starr had me intrigued, but at this point I'm not very optimistic of him reappearing. And a snuff movie festival?! He is sick and weird, no doubt about that, but he would certainly not attend such an event. But hey, I'm sure the writers thought it's more shocking. Plus, no nore

Imaginary Eugene instaed of the Duke sitting next to "the box" to keep Jesse from going insane 25 yeras ago? How is that going to work?

Agreed. Consume the media you enjoy more. End of story. I'm just disappointed, because (but maybe I got that wrong) the producers said the tone of the comic will be preserved. And I think we all agree that's not the case.
If the indeed do a The Boys show, I'm curious to see what that show will be like. It is impossible

TWD is on the very top of my reading pile every month. :-)

Hmm, they were there first so strictly speaking this thing has almost nothing to do with the comics it's based on.
Regarding The Walking Dead I think since season three they find a nice way to stay fresh but still follow the main storyline from the comics.

As a fan of the comic I was only able to endure 3 epoisodes. Now I'm reading the reviews to find out if a single episode might be watchworthy. So far none is. I know that the creators said that the show might not follow the comic by 100% (storywise) so that there are new story-elements for everybody. I did not know

No kidding, the best experience was Piranha 3D at a midnight screening of the Fantasy Film Festival. This movie must be seen with an audience…

Was awesome in the theaters. I enjoyed it especially because I knew nothing about the movie going in…

They DID make Captain Bumerang an brawler though. To my knowledge he hasn't been like that before NU52.

Well sue me, I actually found it very funny!!

"Just because Glenn survived this week doesn’t mean he’ll make it through the next."
"Or to set up a potentially even more sadistic pay off down the line… but that’s just speculation."
Sure you are not reading the comics, Zack?

Please explain, dear sir, what you mean with "Lowrider"?

Addicting indeed!

Perfect! Best example period!

I love the fact that there is a tv show out there wich makes it absolutely normal to write sentences like "Of course, the dome can’t come down unless Joe figures out how to rig up the contraption that will transmit the whistling tones from seven pieces of amethyst." in an episode review.