Shots fired.
Shots fired.
While I agree this is a cool addition, allowing it is setting the precedent that its okay to start building structures without permits.
Wait, why does the American Flag have to represent anti-gay? What if I wanted an American Flag profile pic to celebrate July 4th?
What have you done!?!?
I think a good analogy would be people that have a lack of appetite, but still want to enjoy food. Granted not having sex doesn’t have the same severe consequence.
Someone should have stuck a waterproof GoPro on a buoy down the hole.
So could this thing keep track of separate groups? Or would it be one group in the whole maze at a time like those “escape the room” gigs. The latter would mean less supply and higher cost per “run”.
More like someone trapped in there with you trying to “tag” you out and make you lose the game. Would you like to try again? Only another $40.
Yeah, its called “Snooze”. You can use it for emails and reminders alike. I’ve been using it like crazy.
Was that in response to video shown in this gif? This video was the first time I had seen this done.
I had a Ninja 250r with a crappy starter. I would push start it a couple of times a day. Granted it is a lot easier to push start a tiny motorcycle then some other kinds automobiles.
Maybe the rapist snuck in and put on her FitBit first before assulting her? Then gave it back after he was done.
I’m getting really tired of the Spiderman origins story. I really hope that they start this movie with him already being Spiderman and just getting straight to something new.
I would imagine this is easier said then done.
I wonder if games earned through the games with gold program can be transferred to the xbone (assuming they are available on the xbone).
I don’t care where it snaps to. I just want it to load faster my friends list faster than 20-30 seconds while trying to invite a friend to a party mid game. Shit, I would be excited if it consistently loaded faster than 4 seconds. Though I feel like it should be instantaneous.
I’d be okay with not getting drowsy or needing to sleep. However, I imagine if this became a proven, safe, cheap drug, then businesses would start to expect workers to have longer working hours.
There’s an app for that.
What... The... Fuck...