
The coolest would actually be the M56 Smartgun.

This is not a “Flying Car”, this is a “Street Legal Airplane”. Its somewhat pedantic, but I feel like to call it a “Flying Car” it needs to at least be a VTOL.

I could see this being an alternative version of the Interstellar extinction event. Fast-forward 300 years and nano-plastics have spread everywhere, ruining fertile farm lands.

Any word on when we’ll be able to play on our phone using the stadia controller via wifi (vs USB)?

But I want my Google Pixel Wear, damn’t!

Jerk move lungs, jerk move.

Yeah, what he said!

You’re a shadow alright.

Well that is annoying! A month ago, I chatted with their support rep for like an hour, trying to find a work around, to extend the credits. With no success, I gave in and bought random useless stuff from their store.

I wonder if these results are skewed, because a lot of people don’t know if they were premature or not and assume they were full term. Taking away non-virgins from the “premature” pool.

No conflict of interest with this that I can think of.

Rover McRoverface

If you want a lesson on dealing with grief, watch Up.

The article mentions the “reverse-damage” only kicks in if you actually kill a team mate.

For learning how to not get wiped out in a couple of decades? The main problem I see is ditching school impacts themselves more than anyone else. I’m all for strikes, but why not strike something that “hurts” someone/something other than themselves.

Thank you for this. I miss that meme.

Why are you like this?

I play Bangalore exclusively so I can make like a squid and mask my escape every time I get shot at.

In other news, the human torch was denied a bank loan.

It also needs some basic communication options like or “Need Healing” or “Need Heavy Ammo”. I sometimes forget to drop the healing drone for my teammates and my teammates do the same for me. Currently no way to request it.